Its more interesting that despite this is a full shounen series (especially because this is a WSJ manga, The Definitive Shounen) its story written by a woman (Nishi Osamu mangaka of Iruma-kun) and drawn by a woman (Usazaki Shiro formerly drawn Act-Age)Interesting that the artstyle jumps over to borderline shoujo territory, especially during the gag parts.
yuck.way ONLY ovaries can use magic? Like please you got some dumb pretext for 1 sausage to be surrounded by clits! LMAO
thous type of stories are usualy garbage harem stories were the sausage is surrounded by tacos that wanna the sausage to slide in between their fillings !!!!!!!
let’s see what the author of Iruma-kun has in store, because the settings already turn me off
He states that his rule is "only kill if they are trying to kill him", or "Death for Death". He will probably only deal with murderous majiks moreso than the calm ones.Doesn’t his decision to hunt the majik go against his character? Sure acquiring doesn’t kill them but I mean he’s not a collector. Now I know his choices were restricted but I feel like it kinda takes away from the “pursing for food” aspect that was built up