Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou - Vol. 19 Ch. 149.5 - One-Day Outing: Makita

Nov 17, 2023
So it turns out Makita's a widower. Every chapter he shows up in foreshadows his situation (ie. museum chapter he gets emotional on the roof, oden: when Numakawa says his wife would be happy he ponders it wistfully, watermelon: his kids are at his parents' house, flowerviewing: reflects on how he regrets not appreciating the moment when it was happening.

Do you think men take proper care of themselves? I've been reading about this topic after watching some Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson just kidding. There's a lot of literature nowadays about the loneliness epidemic, and all of these pressures because of expectations and stereotypes that we have to fill due to how our fathers and grandfathers lived before us.
Personally I have this thing where I try not to see the doctor/dentist/optom because I don't want to know about how bad my health's gotten. I went to doc's after 5 years of not doing so for a blood test. All clean. I even thought I had the 'beetus because of how bad I felt after eating sugar but my levels are perfect. I also had to go to the optom twice because the first time I cheated on the test (by guessing the letters) which gave me the wrong prescription lols.

Mm yes. Atsuko Tanaka died earlier which got me feeling melancholic when I was TLing this chapter (the part when Makita goes to the family plot). She played the main character in GITS which got me into anime when I was in high school. Sometimes I think about how crazy the coincidences have been throughout the year while I was translating Foreman, where stuff IRL happens and it's relevant to the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
So it turns out Makita's a widower. Every chapter he shows up in foreshadows his situation (ie. museum chapter he gets emotional on the roof, oden: when Numakawa says his wife would be happy he ponders it wistfully, watermelon: his kids are at his parents' house, flowerviewing: reflects on how he regrets not appreciating the moment when it was happening.
Now that you mention it those were some really good clues, some good foreskining like us One Piece fans would say

Do you think men take proper care of themselves? I've been reading about this topic after watching some Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson just kidding.
Oh no he joined the manosphere !!! 👀 :dogkek:

There's a lot of literature nowadays about the loneliness epidemic, and all of these pressures because of expectations and stereotypes that we have to fill due to how our fathers and grandfathers lived before us.
Personally I have this thing where I try not to see the doctor/dentist/optom because I don't want to know about how bad my health's gotten. I went to doc's after 5 years of not doing so for a blood test. All clean. I even thought I had the 'beetus because of how bad I felt after eating sugar but my levels are perfect. I also had to go to the optom twice because the first time I cheated on the test (by guessing the letters) which gave me the wrong prescription lols.

Yeah i also avoid going to the doctor, mostly out of laziness, been feeling quite well lately now that i think about it, one of those rare moments in which you realize "oh wow, no nasal congestion, no coughs, no odd body aches", and usually when you start thinking that, pow! some joint starts hurting out of nowhere, but luckily it didn't happen this time, hope it can lasts

Mm yes. Atsuko Tanaka died earlier which got me feeling melancholic when I was TLing this chapter (the part when Makita goes to the family plot). She played the main character in GITS which got me into anime when I was in high school. Sometimes I think about how crazy the coincidences have been throughout the year while I was translating Foreman, where stuff IRL happens and it's relevant to the chapter.

Oh man and she was just 61, RIP
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2023
Endou jumpscare lol
Huh I guess it makes sense that Makita would be pro-marriage from his argument with Ootsuki before, since he probably wouldn't support it if he were divorced. I hope we get more scenes of the gang being surrogate uncles to Makita's kids.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Really touching chapter... I really agree with the philosophy of "when it's time to take a break, take the break that you deserve". I think too often people let their guilt and shame get in the way and take a hurried, half-hearted break, maybe just indulging in some fast food or something. Nah, nah, you gotta do what you really really want, really enjoy it, that's what gives you the strength to get through to the next break.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2023
Damn dude, you really kept tabs on all the hints... And I've missed all of em ( ._.)
This chapter has elevated Makita-san in my eyes even further. An all-around awesome dude!

It's not the first time we get a one-day outing-centric chapter for characters other than Ootsuki - or I guess more "a day in the life of" that highlight what kind of character we're dealing with.

In Numakawa's chapter we see that he does poor research when blinded by a perk (bet Isawa woulda enjoyed a room with just food and a view of ammonites lmao), then has to look for positives in it only to end up being ridiculed. It's a running theme with everything he does without Ootsuki's direct guidance.

Ootsuki - nuff said. Whole thing is mostly his adventures, he knows what he wants, he's profoundly weighing out the risks and is very meticulous about his hedonism.

Miyamoto is painfully normal for an overworked dude who feels the need to remain productive but really could use a break. It's how he was before bonding with Ootsuki, it's how he is at home in his free time - napping, reading manga, all the while chastising himself for not using the day properly.

Tonegawa (in his own spinoff). There are two such chapters that are available. One is Tonegawa having a whole week off and an opportunity to finally pursue his dreams that require elongated absence from his post - only to discover he can be made busy at any point. The other time he skips work and all sorts of productive activities because he's so burnt out he's well past the point of just being able to relax. Tonegawa as a whole is too far gone to actually take it slow.

Out of all of them, Makita is probably the most... Balanced between human and blacksuit sides of himself? He hangs out doing what he loves while remaining generally confused - it's obvious he's been avoiding even allowing himself little moments of unpleasant self-reflection by constantly being busy. But when that moment comes, he's in tune enough with himself to avert the crisis through inner dialogue (?) over a short stay in the sauna and putting a dot at the end of it by visiting the grave of his wife. It just goes to show how mature he is and how important it is to allow yourself to process and discuss (even in your own head) all the doubts, rest well, and at times grieve on your own.
Had it not been for his kids, Makita would've probably succumbed to this male loneliness. He's not close enough to Ootsuki and co to have a heart to heart, his co-workers look up to him too much.
He needed this time off more than he knows despite all the self-reflection probably.

I hope that one day it will be seen as normal everywhere in the world for men to reach out for help and show emotions properly, but it won't be my lifetime probably - cuz it's about undoing years upon years of actual damage that this whole "be a man" thing had caused. I will forever admire my dad who cries because he misses his own deceased dad and writes poems for him in Word than some jackass who yells that dudes can't be allowed any sorrows or whimsy.

Also, Makita's first name is Shinji?? Never woulda guessed oO
(Get in the sauna Shinji)
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2020
Oh man, for an extra chapter this one was intense, I thought it was good with just the breakdown of stress and work life vs family life vs your own life, but then he drives to his plot twist dead wife's grave while listening to The Show Must Go On, all this time Makita had so much going on.

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