Ichioku-nen Button o Renda Shita Ore wa, Kizuitara Saikyou ni Natteita: Rakudai Kenshi no Gakuin Musou

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
"Forgettable" is the best way I can describe this. It was a serviceable pass time but it's not nearly good or bad enough for me to remember an hour from now.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
don’t really have much to say except it’s bad
everything it does “well” is just generic quality that’s the same as everything else while all the other things they don’t do “well” are just bad

5/10 don’t read unless you like this kind of generic stuff

infuriating side characters, forced embarrassing situations, etc.
Aug 14, 2020
I didn't want the mc character to toss the Thousand-year-red-button! just keep-it in the drawer!
instead of a cheat-swordman, we have a shit-swordman 😤
Nov 8, 2020
@roteKlaue i mean its funny imo, and the premise is interesting, but it might be a while until we can see if it's portrayed well since it's only volume 2. as of now, however, i think it's a good little read
Mar 24, 2020
kinda like Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, except it's more PG-13 and also lacks the likeable Female MC and instead goes for a harem plot.

basically, Rakudai minus all of the things that made it good, and the things that I personally disliked about it.

I should probably come back here afer a few more chapters to see if this statement holds.
Oct 17, 2020
I really don't get all the 1/10 reviews. Is this the best manga on this site? No.

However there are far, FAR worse manga that are actually deserving of that rating on this site. I think for me at least this would get a minimum of a 4 or maybe a 3 if you don't like it but it is far from APPALLING if you ask me.

And for those who just automatically put 1/10 for a series if they don't like it no matter how much I do wish you would properly rate a series rather than randomly review bomb them. Not everything is the same level of crap. (This also applies to those who only rate 10/10 for everything. There is a scale between the two and not everything is just Crap or Godly there are a lot of titles in between as well)

Just something to think about.
Sep 5, 2020
This manga is fxcking frustrating he trained for a billion years but his power is above normal standard at most and he keep getting push around by "extraordinary" people like that principal and I just can't keep my mind straight knowing all that isn't he supposed to be above extraordinary at least I mean he don't need to flaunt his power at everyone but c'mon there must be some change to his personality right? I'm sooooo angry right now. Haaa that's all. I just... not recommend it okay, it's ridiculous the million years button is just a temptation to lure you into the manga and once you're in what you'll read is not what you expected all that's left is betrayal. What I want to say is with great power comes great responsibility.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
I very rarely say this but don't even bother with this one, it's TERRIBLE!
The art is decent enough, but the story,execution everything is just absolutely horrendous. Like a work of a 10yo kid. As usual the author is incompetent. 1⭐ and dropped.
And WTFUCK is with that 100 million number? WHY? A Few hundred would have been more than enough...
I just refuse to believe the author is older than 15.... No grown up man or woman can possibly write something as bad and half baked as this ! NOT POSSIBLE !
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2019
Needs a comedy tag as pretty much every other page has a gag, joke, or ridiculous plot development meant solely for laughs.
Rated 1 for stupidity in not just the main plot of 100 million years alone without learning anything besides swinging a sword around, but also the very lame tropes used.
Written most likely by a 10-15-year-old with no decent thought put into actual plot or storyline.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
Stephen king had a short story called "The Jaunt". Somebody who spent millions of years training would likely end up completley inhuman and almost certainly insane.
Dec 25, 2020
ok i know its a manga and all but uk humans need another human to survive cause they get depressed if they dont (ok not necessarily another human something like a cat is fine too )
so if anyone normal would have been send there he would probably have killed himself after a few years lets not talk about a few thousand years or million

more importantly what kind of person rates this with 10 stars like no there is so much better stuff out there then this garbage i dont usually call stuff garbage but its more then fitting for this one its so fucking bad
i saw a lot of people saying a 15 yo wrote this but every 15 yo i know can write something better then this yeah not in like 10 min but the author had all the time in the world to think of a good story and choose to write a garbage story (the dude looks and acts like a hero (a dumb simp that ints into battle) , he has no skills whatsoever after 100 million years like ok its a wonder he didnt kill himself in 100 mio years without contact to any living beeing, he still gets bullied cause the "training" didnt make him strong )
oh btw before u go read most of the chinese stuff this is still 1000 times better (after reading over 100 of them i found 5 i like thats really fucking low)

btw for people who are like its bad later but the start is good yeah if it would have actually made sense(he didnt get stronger etc)i wouldn't complain about the 100mio years thing if its cool who cares if it makes sense(the 100mio years thing)but nope
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
Ugh. Yet another series with a stupidly OP MC who's too stupid to realize hes not weak. Literally my least favorite trope of all time.

This is garbage. Some fun can be had if you turn your brain off but even in that category there are much better options. This series has about as much flavor as stale white bread.
Aug 21, 2018
Such a wasted plot potential. The psychological strain the mc experienced for being isolated for a long time is such a great start and they just threw it away. Acted like nothing happened. Such a waste
Jan 17, 2021
it had potential, it really did until they maked him stupid and hes supposed to be more buffed like he went training none stop for 100,000,000
like what????

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