Man, this manga is always so wholesome. Something must be seriously wrong with you, if you have a problem with stuff like this. Imagine coming here and making backhanded compliments to a manga, because you don't like it, but you can't find anything wrong with it, at the moment. That would be so pathetic, wouldn't it? Haha
On a separate note, I actually expected Prez's painting to be straight up porn, but this was a nice subversion from my expectations. I have a feeling Senpai is probably gonna win, from Nagatoro's interference, and decline the win because of it. I really can't wait to see what happens between Senpai and Nagatoro next chapter. They both seemed annoyed that the other was getting flirted with. I think it's especially telling that Nagatoro had a serious problem with bullying people other than Senpai, which makes sense considering she wouldn't bully other people, going as far back as chapter 6.
I think we might even see a real confession, next chapter.