Its good. It relevant-ish to Helck. They've been dropping hints that lead back to Helck but its largely its own self contained story. It is really good though. You wont find most of it here, though, you'll need to go to some other aggregator site.
It's set in the same world, albeit in a rather geographically distant place, and likely after a pretty large time skip as well. One of the main characters is also all but explicitly confirmed to be one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" from the Empire featured in Helck, and a major Helck antagonist gets name dropped in a rather ominous-looking way at one point (although I'm still waiting for the twist where it turns out they're on the good guys' side in this one...maybe?). Overall, the connections are pretty small and unimportant, at least so far, but it's nonetheless the same 'verse, so that could change.