We still feel that she has a weakness for shion considering her reactions with her... it's really a shame that this manga ends so quickly, there was a way to continue seriously...
FUCK ME, IM SO DAM MAD, THIS ENDING CHAPTER WAS FUCKING GLORIOUS, oh man they 100% could've milked this for atleast another 10 more chapters or so before axing it OTL she didn't even 100% chose who she's gona go out with ffs
Wow, what an awful ending. There was so much more ground to cover. Instead, we get a wishy washy non-commitment to the dark haired girl and absolutely no closure for anyone. Okay...
@dokidoki It's Kaede, she is the "ex-gf" of Shion. Her and Shion were going out a little before Shion was afraid of going further than kisses and decide to break up.