Those color pages are phenomenal. Color pages in manga don't usually do much for me, but these, wow.
This series continues to be amazing. I'm sure I've said it before, but just in case, thanks for your hard work scan team!
@dokidoki re: foreshadowing, eels, and off-color jokes; This came out a lot longer than I intended. I'll preface it by saying that my intent is not to shit all over your prediction. I wanted to offer my perspective as someone who has been where Asa is.
So speaking for myself, I lost a parent (just one, fortunately) around the same age as Asa. I think one of the reasons I enjoy this comic is that despite our differences in culture and gender, Asa's emotions, experiences, and reactions about her parents' deaths are eerily familiar to me. It's accurate to the extent that I wonder if the mangaka experienced a similar loss as a teenager, or is close with someone who did.
Among the things that feel accurate are Asa's off-color outburst and anger (? maybe not the right word) leading up to the eel this chapter. Goodness knows that at the time I would talk and joke about it in ways that I wouldn't dream of now. And regarding the eel, I think the root of that is Asa realizing that her mother was flawed (as we all are), and that comes into conflict with her idealized image of her. While that's something most adults unpack at some point, I don't think it's necessarily something that teenagers, whose minds will continue developing for about another decade, are emotionally equipped for yet.
This is all to say that yes, given the theme of the work, something dark could be coming. But, these could also be depictions of the ordinary experience of a young person who loses a parent. If something dark does come, I predict it will be mundane by manga standards: Asa falls back/further into depression, engages in minor self-destructive behavior (think neglecting school work, not drug abuse), gets involved with a bad crowd, something like that.
Or I could be full of it, and the mangaka takes this train off the rails. Who knows. It's just been so grounded so far that I don't expect that to be the case.