So, to miss Adda below: good. You couldn't even understand what I was "being dick" about, which is, the recurrence of compulsion for "addressing elephant in the room", even when there's effectively no reason for doing so in the context of the story so far (aside from the one throwaway remark, which again, given the pervasive acceptance and culturally codified awareness of class - s type adolescent limerence in Japan could be just that: a trope), and is rooted only in you being present because of accidental wandering in through initial mistagging. Not so far from a person, let's say, invited to a fanciful dinner, generally enjoying her time, but going on off on a tangent about 'responsible fishing' when they bring out shrimps: all of this while commenting how well prepared the seafood is. What's more, you couldn't help but to stuff the reply with additional small tidbits about who you are as a person (or rather, who you're not). Oof, for the third time. At this point it looks like speaking with you would be a waste of time, primarily because it seems like I'd already talked to you many times before - not in person, but through others acting just like you.
I'll give you some brownie points for what I can only see as vaguely alluding to me being some kind of "x-ist y-phobe", and just for that, because it was very subtle. Oh, and like, drop the gyaruisms.
That's that, bye. Feel free to respond if you feel like it, as it is only fair that you do so. Just don't fucking misrepresent me anymore, kay?