Ikoku Nikki - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - page.19

Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
Makio's low energy was infectious in that first half, just reading all that started to drag me down.

I can't help but be put off by the way Asa speaks to Makio in this chapter. Scolding her for the mess, ordering her to clean it immediately, giving her a lecture on normalcy... it's like Asa hardly respects Makio as an "adult", much less a guardian figure. As a teen, I'd lash out at my parents from time to time, but I never spoke in such a brazen fashion to adults I didn't know as well (unless they were creepers and/ or randos on the internet). At least Asa seems to recognize that she has a pattern of saying things that unintentionally upsets other people. I can only wonder if her mother had the same issue, and just decided that throwing out her opinion was more important than the other person's feelings.

Also!! We've seen quite a few flashbacks of Makio being on the receiving end of her sister's criticism, it's nice to see an instance where Makio stands up for herself.
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
Wow this chapter struck deep. Honestly I am on the same specturm on Makio. My head is a mess. So I could never keep everything in check. Tho i kind of resigned of being called out as lazy and gross from how I live.

In my defense all of my mess is dry and not humid. So it definitely doesnt attract bugs and the likes. Being called gross offends me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Wow I was gonna laugh it off in the first 10 pages, how long it took for her to wake up that day but then it spiraled out of control with a throwback to the past and her entire mind, then back to Asa and just when you thought they were in the boiling point...it gets quiet, and they get through each other in their own awkward ways.

Dude, this was like ... I don't know how to describe it, like watching an hour long movie in a matter of seconds? I'm still processing what's happening, how to show in a single chapter how everyone is different and they can get hurt by so many things you say carelessly or innocently because we really never stop to think the concept of "everyone is different" thinking that what work for us surely SHOULD work for others if they're "normal" but our normal is just our... That boomerang part was soooooooo great, because the chapter isn't trying to make her look like a poor victim, but trying to show how people clash with their personalities, there's no good or bad when you're just trying to understand a person, there are things you can't change and others that can be changed but still hurt to point out so you really need and try to be open minded.

I think Asa has the right to be upset, she's not an intruder there, is their home, discussions like that are inevitable... But I find it odd how she doesn't call her Makio san or just Makio.

Thanks for the update! chapters like this really shows why this was nominated to multiple prizes
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
Wow this chapter was heavy asf compared to the one before and I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!!! the mom/sister wasn't as bad of a person as they made her seem to be And Like I'd imagine she looked to be the saddest one out of all the chars as if no one actually ever understood her and now she's dead......feelsfuckingSadman......
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@dokidoki I didn't really see the mom/sister being not bad in this ch. Being smacked down and not understanding why doesn't make her better.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
Fantastic, 10/10 chapter. Hope this series continues for a long while.
Jul 26, 2019
If I rephrase it, Asa's mom was bad, but not evil-hearted. She was wrong on many points in a very human way.
Any one of us could behave in the same way if the environment or education was different.
And the author shows that even Makio sometimes falls in the same trap.
We can be both Makio and Asa's mom at the same time. Her wrong behavior fit the chapter's message perfectly. In that kind of sense, Asa's mom is not totally "bad"
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2018
Asa's mom wasn't "bad" per say, but she definitely was an ass hole that didn't consider other people's feelings when she spoke.

And in this chapter, we see that Asa shares that same trait. I'm surprised Makio didn't blow up at her for the way she acted.

Fantastic chapter. I love how real these characters feel.
Jun 15, 2020
really good message about how you can hurt people without intending to, and it's still wrong because you still hurt them.
this manga is great at discussing the intricacies of human relationships.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
This is a tough chapter to grapple with, there’s so much that remains ambiguous if not obscured. Anyway, thanks for the translation!
Dec 31, 2018
Wah... I’m so touched every time i read this manga, it’s just so full of emotion. Thank you for the translation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Asa's mom seems like the typical"repeat after me I am free" (google it) type of conformist we all encounter multiple times in our lives.
Mar 10, 2019
Excellent chapter. This manga's always makes me think about my own relationships and difficulties with socializing. Seems to me like Makio might be depressed and/or have ADHD, like a other user said.
Thank you for the translation.
Jun 18, 2020
I just encountered this manga, but maaan all these feels. Which i can relate most of them anyways.. And how complicated human relationships are
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2020
It hurts... this is the most realistic manga ever... every character did something that is normal for human to do, it's not for drama.

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