Ikoku Nikki - Vol. 7 Ch. 35 - page.35

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Why are so many American white males such whiners? The incels are the worst, but they're just the tip of the iceberg. Every time something happens where their free ride compared to everyone else gets a little less so, it's "The horror! The horror! Poor us we're so discriminated against!" No. American white males still have it easier compared to American everybody else, there are just cases where the differential has been reduced. Suck it up.

And as long as this @kavvka is going to be saying that if you mention thing A related to discrimination you're a hypocrite if you don't talk about thing B . . . okay, I'm betting @kavvka never talks about the higher interest rates systematically charged to blacks in the United States, or the way given identical qualifications blacks are much less likely to be hired, or the way that all else being equal US blacks are more likely to be stopped, arrested if stopped, charged if arrested, found guilty if charged, jailed if found guilty, or executed for a given offense, and their sentences for a given offense average significantly longer. And so on and so forth till you get absolutely vomitous from the current, not past, degree of massive and effective racism in the United States. No, I'm thinking @kavvka cherry-picks a couple of incredibly minor statistics represented in a skewed way as an excuse to try to claim those darn darkies have it soooo easy.

Of course the real bases of the big problems of the US are not about race, they're about money. Big money uses race as a wedge and a distraction and generally to make exploitation easier. People who whine about blacks getting anything have been suckered. So for instance, the real story about US college admissions is how they favour children of wealth. This is also somewhat true in Japan--e.g. can your family afford a good cram school? Then your chances are better.
Feb 8, 2020
It looks to me there's a drawing mistake in the first panel on page 15.

Edit: Ah, I was wrong. I thought they're singing on the hallway.
Nov 30, 2020
i'm sorry you're unable to process words but i can't do anything about that. you clearly didn't know how admission process works, because if you did you wouldn't have had questioned me bringing certain things up. as to what the discussed issue has to do with this particular manga, i believe i'd explained it reasonably well in my second and third comments. if you haven't got it by now then you're unlikely to ever get it.

also, i haven't "dismissed" anything because what you're talking about wasn't what I was getting at in that first comment's first paragraph, and even if it was - which again, wasn't - the implied proposition of context specific merit only based standards approach universal application would've solved the very same inequality you're specifically stating having problem with.

with that said, what exactly is it that bothers you? if you don't understand what someone is saying, why do you think it's a good idea to address them?

And if two people called you out on your inane bullshit, the problem is most likely you and not everyone else.
i could have lot of fun running that sentence through several different hypothetical scenarios but i won't. let's just say it's a very stupid mindset to have and in itself it's also a pretty revealing phrase to use. something of a freudian slip if you will.

you specifically I see no reason to ever be talking to, having spent several years on old batoto and dynasty scan servers. i can honestly say that throughout one and half a decade of me using the internet there were very few people expressing themselves solely through fora posts that i respected less - you would've been blocked had i known you're already present on this site.

but since I didn't, going through that impotent diatribe had only reassured the idea that interacting with you in any capacity is still a huge waste of time, even four years after leaving ds boards and not seeing that androgynous avatar of yours. great stretched extrapolation based on fuck nothing and retarded stream of consciousness straw "argument", as usual buddy. keep it up.

ps. lived in the us only for five years and didn't major in anything during my time there you silly out of touch navel-gazing self-centered self-righteous boomer canuck.
Fed-Kun's army
May 11, 2018

Is Makio's train of thought that no action is truly selfless? The cynic in me is inclined to agree but the idealist wants the thing I do to be...acknowledged I guess.

related: Thanks for the translations
Active member
Sep 2, 2020

Such a perfect goofy moment to lighten up the seriousness before. Ah, this chapter is such a good exploration of how we are all connected to each other. That both the heartening and harmful deeds from every corner of the world touch us, whether we want them to or not.

Asa is realizing she is not just disconnected to Chiyo's suffering, but also that she has a chance to make it more bearable at least. And that she has the power to make, in her own way, to make the world slightly better by merely existing purposeful. That is a powerful realization.

@oichifan39 I think it is a bit different. She is saying selfless actions can exist, but that they tend to be exhausting and often fruitless, however that doesn't diminish their selflessness. Though I think she thinks you can't always bring that up if that only exhausts. It is much better if you do something that helps people that also makes you happy. That is why she writes books, and Asa sings in this chapter.
Jun 21, 2020
WARNING! A boomer took a sh!t in the comment section! Its's @kavvka

Please beware, there were arguments used like in free translation "You can't care about those issues, if you don't care and fix ALL the social issues in [insert country - USA], otherwise that's hypocrisy sweetie". Also confirmed use of thesaurus, cause that gets all the "panties in a twist" amiright fellas!?😃

Ahh don't we all love it when a manga about growing up girls shows their struggles and distress, vividly portrays how important can be just one issue in one life (implied suicide in last chap); and then an old fart comes in "but actually there are more serious things..!"

Please search engine this "university admission japan discrimination" and see how an actual dean says: actual adult boys in college age are worse at speaking so they need lower scoring bars. Those poor things! He calls them dumber so they need the support to become doctors! Such valid excuses you can find there... Please read at own risk.

But yeah, who cares, I'm mean there are so many problems in the world... Godforbid you want to voice one, or fix one at the time, at least the relevant one to you or your friend. Lets just whine and bash the ones trying like kavvka does! Cause THAT is PRODUCTIVE yayyyy😃
Nov 30, 2020
you're trying to do the same thing that this purplelibrary geezer did (most likely the only true boomer here btw), which is:

great stretched extrapolation based on fuck nothing and retarded stream of consciousness straw "argument"

specifically this bit:
fix one at the time, at least the relevant one to you or your friend.
Oh shut the fuck up. No one here is "fixing" anything - you're not changing japanese legal standards and those problems literally don't exist in US or the UK. I've pointed out some parallel things which people here could try doing something about (instead of "whining"), but apparently since it's either not chic enough to be outraged about them or they don't affect them personally, no one cares.

That was the whole point of that first relatively short paragraph and that's what is bugging all of you. You're reacting this viscerally to it because it's about you - no one likes their own hypocrisies to be put on display.

edit: tl;dr

to put it concisely in scat terms you introduced:

you're sitting in a shitty diaper while complaining that neighboring house smells. it's both funny and annoying.

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