Should I also point out how based on the watermarks their chapters also appear to be ripped from MagusManga?lua scans typically release by skipping chapters to make you go to their site to read the previous ones. Scummy but it works for the most part
No, they also ripped chapters from Daddies Supremacy, and Magus took chapters from Daddies Supremacy as well, though I think Magus has since removed them. This Lua or whatever they're called is definitely not a scanlation team! They're one of those aggregator sites using machine translation (MTL) like the others.Should I also point out how based on the watermarks their chapters also appear to be ripped from MagusManga?
It's a practice that I despise, if a scanlator does it and I'm desperate to read the manga, I'll rather go to any other aggregate site than the scanlators to read the missing chapters.lua scans typically release by skipping chapters to make you go to their site to read the previous ones. Scummy but it works for the most part
Chill bro it's not the first groups fault they got snipedThis is the second one I'm reading that has skipped a bunch of chapters! If this keeps up I rather just pay tapas and other apps that has all the chapters there than go to another site that's ridden with ads. I love reading on this site but I hate that there's this issue going on of missing chapters😔