I'm Nearly 30, but This Is My First Love - Vol. 5 Ch. 39

Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
Eh. I can see why someone would drop it out of spite.

I personally thankful and love this manga. The main couple might be dorky and slow in progression but they made progress and that's what matters.

Anyway good for you scanlator for dropping it for your own good. Leave this side of the internet who only knows how to complain.

So what if someone is being mature or immature about this. People complain as they see fit. And scanlator drop things as they like. Shit happens.
Sep 17, 2018
@mase_aga I understand, and fully agree with you.
These people seem to have neither read the synopsis nor the Chap 1 , it is clear that this is a story focused on the comfy of a couple of adults inexperienced in love, and like any good comedy, it is always necessary to have overreactions.

But these people look like those horny kids who think they want to see sex in everything, as if the main meaning of being an adult was "fUcK gILRs!" ... gzzzs, hentai exists for that, doesn't it? ¬¬
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
Fuck it drop it if your head is so far up your ass, who cares.

Secondly, and this is way more annoying, is how all these fucks are genuinely labelling everyone who even criticising this manga at all as sex hungry perverts. Are you all genuinely incapable of reading? Because aside from a few jokes, no one is actually asking for them to have a sex scene or anything, but if your manga about adults has 33 year old people braving worse than 23 year old kids despite having nearly dated a year, and even nearly kissing on an important event makes them apologize profusely, your manga is going to piss people off. It's asinine and the mangaka clearly has never been in an actual relationship themself, or even known anyone else who has. Sex is one thing, but even kissing their significant other on the lips is too much for them? Fuuuuuck that. I'm from India of all places, it's a heavily repressed country and even then this is too fucking stupid to swallow.
Active member
Oct 27, 2019
I don't have time to read all the drama in the comments section lol, but from what little I read, it seems some people want some R-rated stuff? If that's what you're looking for then you're reading the wrong genre hahaha. It clearly has tags: Josei, romance, slice of life. (the first 5-10 chapters should have also given you guys a clue on how the pacing would go).... Yes, some mangas with these tags have a bit more spice, but you can't count on all of them to have it. If you don't like it, then why resort to bashing and leaving negative comments to the scanlator? (who worked hard on these, for free, if I may add. Spending their own precious time on it.) Just remove from your bookmarks, move on, and look for a new manga that is more your type.

Anyway. I wanna thank the scanlators for all the chapters! It's so fluffy and wholesome (which is a nice break from the heavier, dramallama series out there!)


Update: just read that the scanlator dropped this?? ohwell. But that's life. It's best to leave when it gets too toxic hahaha thanks for all the work done so far!
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@Darklight99 The main couple is a bit too childish, TBH. 🙄
I read it simply for the other couple who seem to actually behave like the adults they are. 😁
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2019
There are people here who are acting like Logan Paul when they get called out. Stop defending this stupidity with "it's just a joke, bro" because it ain't that funny.
Also, this manga is a breath of fresh air from all the stupidity from society and soap operas as of late. This ain't a damned porno, so stop expecting it to be one.
Oct 15, 2018
When my dad was dating others, he wouldn't kiss any girl until he knew for sure he would marry her. That's how devoted he was. My mom was the only girl he kissed-- my dad was 27 and my mom 25 when they dated then married, and still going strong at 36 years~

My eldest brother had the mind set if he was "casual" dating (just getting to know the other person) and decided to hold hands with her, the dating become officially serious and they couldn't go and date other people until one called it off. So he was flabbergasted when he saw the girl he was serious about randomly holding hands with another guy 😂 she (his now wife) didn't know he saw it that way.

That's just how my family is, so I can relate to this manga in many ways. Me and half my siblings are late bloomers who haven't dated or kissed anyone even though we are in our 20s.
Double-page supporter
Jun 8, 2018
theyre both so pure & precious uwu ♥

edit: well damn i didn't know all this drama was going on bc i usually just glance at the comments without reading them all anymore bc the surprisingly disproportionate amount of negativity abt this series lately upsets me so i don't look at it lol, but Raiho are you actually dropping it? omg no ;-;
tho it is completely understandable how your motivation would burnout after constantly delivering to an audience who seems to mostly dislike it lol i mean even i have been feeling that way and i'm just a reader :p but i really hope you keep going and maybe just try to avoid the comment section and just focus on the view count and see how many people appreciate yalls scans enough to read even if they don't comment or even if the comments are mostly annoying, there are still a lot of us who absolutely love this manga for what it is and has been since the beginning and i would hate to see it go :( but thanks for all your work so far ♥
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2018

Sep 17, 2018
THank for CHap man! @Raiho80

What is this "tHey dOn'T aCt liKe aDulTs" shit argument? are people blind or what?
OF course they dont! Since the beginning, the proposal has always been to show an inexperienced and shameful couple of adults doing pure and wholesome things, like teenagers, and that was EXACTLY what the author delivered, it is explicit from the synopsis, but people for dumb reasons are complaining as if the purpose of this story was for them to act like boring "nOrMaL aDuLts rEaLisTiC".
WTF, if you want to see "aDulT CoPuple" go watch some shit soap on TV.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2018
Also dude, just because I wanted to rag on the main couple a bit doesn't mean that I don't like them nor does it mean I want them to just fuck already
I liked the series quite a bit. Seems pretty fucking petty man and especially since these comments are hardly the worst I've seen
Also I know it is a bit disingenuous on my part but pro tip 101 don't read the fucking comments
That was your first mistake
Sep 14, 2018
They are so cute, its so wholesome!!

And shit ... because of those stupid toxic comments from brats who don't know how to differentiate a romcom comfy from a shit romance drama +18,
I lost one of my doses of fluff...
Oct 14, 2018
My two cinamon roll is back!!
Tnahk you!!....and....is gone

Congratulations to asshcof cof... people who don't know how to just stop reading when they don't like it but instead shitting in the comments zone. P-A-R-A-B-AiN-S olo
Group Leader
Apr 29, 2019
thanks for all your work until now!! i liked this series 'cause it's comfy. i wish that people would focus on the good instead of the bad but hey, this is the internet we are talking about... go figure.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2018
Aww, I can actually relate with Yuumi-san quite a bit! You go main couple! It's so sweet to see their progression :,)
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
This dude is a lot like that loser from KanoKari.

I wonder if this manga would be more accepted if the setting was changed and they were highschoolers or middleschoolers or if it's just fucked because of how over done it is or whatever other reason. Since manga like Mijuku na Futari de Gozaimasu ga are quite similar but face almost no criticism in the same vein.

How insanely petulant. Literally none of them are complaining about anything you did, they're not being "hateful", they're stating their opinion and criticizing and bitching about the manga and what they think is wrong with it. Quite reasonable complaints, all things considered. Which you seem to be taking personally and throwing a fit over and spiting them for.

It's no one's job but your own to motivate you. Scanlating is personal hobby, and whether or not you translate something should be based on what you think about a series. If this is a logical response to people criticizing the story, not even your scanlation, I'm surprised KanoKari's group has fucking offed themselves already. I can't stand people who get outraged on the behalf of others, let alone negative comments of an inanimate thing, like this.

But hey, this is obviously your choice, and if you genuinely cannot handle such comments, more than dropping this series, you should drop social interaction over the internet and visit a therapist. And I mean that genuinely and without any contempt. That kind of reaction to shitlords on the internet is unhealthy.

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