I'm Not a Lolicon!

Jun 7, 2018

sorry but I take pride in not being a anti social loser who thinks “having no feelings” is cool i’m just not like that

the thing is I never really had to grow up knowing people accepted and were ok with child rape even living in not the greatest area the worst was that I heard someone get shot at night.....child rape is just different can’t handle that shit I guess i’m just a emotional person overall really

maybe i’m different because I grew up in a different culture but I find what you wrote really unhinged maybe it’s because I’m not a anti social loser like most weeps no offense of course

as long as you recognize it as the fucked up thing that it i I have no problem with you not getting as creeped out as me but labeling it as “normal internet shit” is weirdo ass shit

also wrote this on my phone blaming all grammatical errors on that
Jan 13, 2019

Normal internet shit is weird shit. I'm sorry but I really really hate normies like you and really wish you'd just stick to facebook, youtube and twitter when using the internet. You said the worst part about this "community" as assuming everyone is a pedo. I personally think you are the worst part of this community. You're just a normalfag who decided to read manga to be hip and cool. You've probably spent less than a year or two within this community yet you are already projecting and trying to force your personal western morals onto the community.

You know those nerds you see reading comic books? The manga/anime "community" are just those people but of a foreign country on the opposite side of the planet. Like imagine going to the middle east, finding a tea/coffee enthusiasts community and then getting pissed when you realize a lot of coffee houses don't allow women to enter at all. Then you go on to bitch about the community.
Jun 7, 2018

pedophila isn’t just normal “weird shit” weirdo ass nigga


I would much rather be a normal person then a social recluse with no friends other then other weirdos on a manga website

i’ve been on this site longer then you it’s possible that people who aren’t corny losers to like manga sorry but it’s a thing
Jan 13, 2019

Pedophilia is just normal weird shit and if you are older than 15 or have used the internet for more than 15 years you would know this.
>I would rather be a normal person
Then why in the FUCK are you here reading manga. Normal people don't read manga. Normal people don't read comic books. Go fuck off and watch some hollywood movies and post about them on facebook.

>corny losers
Its possible to be a pedophile and exist. Sorry but its a thing. And maybe you don't read much manga but its a very prevalent thing within the community. So you're options are just read the manga you personally like and then fuck off.
Jun 7, 2018

>Pedophilia is just normal weird shit

glad to see you admit you want to rape children saved me a lot of time

> Then why in the FUCK are you here reading manga. Normal people don't read manga. Normal people don't read comic books.

sorry but you’re little hobby isn’t special it’s actually really popular sucks to be antisocial scrawny white kid my guy couldn’t be me 😂

>very prevalent thing within the community.

and this isn’t bad how? Is wanting to fuck toddlers....normal to you?......white folks different glad I don’t know people like you irl

People talk about anime and manga all day if you want to deny this because you’re only personality trait is that you do nothing but read comic books then you’re a loser plain and simple and probably aren’t going to last long in the real world

get help seriously this isn’t healthy

listen to “japan” by famous dex you’re hobby is not special 🤷‍♂️

also 😂😂😂 you’re seriously offended by me not fucking with peodphiles? grow thicker skin sensitive ass loser

still been on this site longer btw


saw the edit to your original comment.....yes dumb bitch I will complain about something if it’s bad why would I care if it offends someone? So?

you’re full as american dummy don’t lie
Jan 13, 2019
>you want to rape children
Strawman but yes. What of it? You can't do shit bitch nigger.
>i'm a tough black guy
You're a low IQ retard
>manga is pretty normal
Then why does every 1/4 titles include a sexualized loli character?
>people talk about manga all day
Go outside. Do you even have a job? Do you actually have any friends in real life at all? Not that it matters because thats not the point at all. The point is the community has a lot of pedophiles and none of your seething is every going to change that. You're only hope is to invade Japan and make loli illegal or convince mangaka to its immoral. Good luck lol. Until then all you're doing is irrational screeching at something you literally can not change.

Why are you trying to make the community more normal than it already is. You black people are really low IQ. If you don't like the community don't interact with it. Stop trying to change everything you touch into your shitty will. Who made you god? Only a low IQ monkey could have such a massive ego LMAO. You've been on this website longer but you clearly have not been a part of the community as long. If you were, you wouldn't be here bitching and moaning about lolicons 😏

If you really want to get into it. There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia. Especially 2D.
Jun 7, 2018

>Strawman but yes. What of it? You can't do shit bitch nigger.

i know you trying to be “funny” but that pedo shit isn’t funny at all it actually weird af

>You're only hope is to invade Japan and make loli illegal

why would i want to invade japan? I just like reading 🤨 and don’t like pedophiles is that a sin?

>You black people are really low IQ. If you don't like the community don't interact with it. Stop trying to change everything you touch into your shitty will. Who made you god? Only a low IQ monkey could have such a massive ego LMAO

Did I say I was black? like ever? assume what you want I might be maybe i’m not but at least i’m not the one getting offended by a the phrase “pedophila bad”

but let’s say that im actually black (maybe I am 🙃) and you said that......ok?????? i’m not a whiny sensitive man child like you

shock humor isn’t funny if you’re unable to interact with other human beings it just comes off as awkward and lame

The anti social skinny white kid being obsessed with manga and wanting to defend it from the “normies” while epicly trolling them and failing spectacularly and coming off as a loser name a more iconic duo
Jan 13, 2019
I'm not trying to be funny. If you like reading manga thats fine but then why are you here bitching about this manga? You are literally here just to say "stop enjoying things I don't enjoy". Its just annoying. Also to everyone making FBI jokes, that stopped being funny two years ago when it was overdone, at this point you are just beating the bones of dead horse.

>did I say I was black
Did I say I was white? Yet you still called me white so I figured i'd call you black.
>i'm not a whiny sensitive manchild
Yet here you are, whining about lolicons because it doesn't fit your sensitive sensibilities.

>shock humor
I'm not trying to be funny. Is this some sort of childish defense mechanism? If something offends you, you just assume its supposed to be shock humor? Do you really think the mangaka made this manga for comedy? What of all the loli hentia. Just shock humor right? HAHA
>The anti social skinny white kid being obsessed with manga and wanting to defend it from the “normies” while epicly trolling them and failing spectacularly and coming off as a loser name a more iconic duo
You're a low IQ bitch made nigger obsessed with fitting in and attempting to force every community you interact with into the normalfag hive mind of whatever social values you personally believe to be normal and good. Stop pushing your morality on everyone. I don't really care if normalfags like manga as long as you don't start complaining about lolicon or the lack of faggot or nigger representation in it to the point where you force the entire community and medium to fit to what your perceived version of good normal morality is.
Mar 14, 2020
"I'm not trying to be funny. Is this some sort of childish defense mechanism?"

No, that's him being optimistic and hoping you're just a moronic troll, rather than a disgusting pedophile defending pedophilia. Everyone knows people that disgusting exist. It's just sometimes hard to tell the difference, on the internet with only text, between a moron and someone pretending to be a moron. Can't say I blame him. Your comments are some of the cringiest shit I've ever read in my life. It's hard to believe it being for real.
Jun 7, 2018

>I'm not trying to be funny. If you like reading manga thats fine but then why are you here bitching about this manga? You are literally here just to say "stop enjoying things I don't enjoy". It's just annoying.

It's annoying when people make this same dumb argument, all I'm doing is giving my opinion on something you don't have to react to it if you don't want to it's a pretty basic one to it's just "pedophilia bad" stop crying about it

>Did I say I was white? Yet you still called me white

Am I wrong 🤨 shut up if I'm not

>Yet here you are, whining about pedophiles

Yeah ok? So??????

>I'm not trying to be funny. Is this some sort of childish defense mechanism? If something offends you, you just assume it's supposed to be shock humor? Do you think the mangaka made this manga for comedy?

You're trying to be funny with the "I want to rape little kids" and "Blantely racist comment" stuff and you're failing you aren't good at humor because you have no friends get some human interaction in your life

>nigger obsessed with fitting in and attempting to force every community you interact with into the normalfag hive mind of whatever social values you believe to be normal and good

Lol, you're this mad that I said "pedophilia bad"? Grow up

>I don't really care if normalfags like manga as long as you don't start complaining about lolicon or the lack of faggot or nigger representation in it to the point where you force the entire community and medium to fit to what your perceived version of good normal morality is.

You're bragging about being a shut-in loser who doesn't fit in with anyone because you're a pedophile sympathizer with no sense of humor🤣🤣🤣 stop acting tough and like you "don't care" it doesn't work when already showed you do

>as long as you don't start complaining

Yea and what the fuck are you going to do about it? I'm going to keep commenting when I want I don't have to bend my knee to whatever some shut-in white kid says

If a bunch of people just came in and started talking and acting like well-adjusted adults sure you and other social shut-ins would lose their shit but what can you do though? Make yourself look like a fool arguing with them is just about it

>perceived version of good normal morality is.

Pedophilia is objectively bad and if you disagree you're a pedophile that's all I said and you're getting this pissed over it

>If something offends you, you just assume it's supposed to be shock humor

I would rather assume you don't really think this stuff and just assume that you're trying to "epic troll" someone

> so I figured I'd call you black.

Thing is I never called you a "red neck bitch cracker"

>Stop pushing your morality on everyone.

What the fuck are you doing then? I never asked you to respond to me and I never asked you to push this "pedophilia is actually good" narrative on me why are you this offended over my simple ass comment? I'm not going to change my mind on this like I'm just not you're arguing with a brick at this point

EDIT: Just hopped on my laptop the reason for all the short sentences and pretty bad grammar was because like I said before I was on my phone before I don't really type like that
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
Fun argument to read through down there, honestly only went to this manga to see the inevitable shitshow that would pop up and there it is
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2020
That teacher is a complete simp, but this is actually fun, i mean yeah is a history to make all the lolis here lewd but is so ridiculous that is actually fun, and the waifu is a loli with the mind of a twenty-something ages so i suposse it's ok?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
Why are there so many 1 star ratings?
I mean, this is truly a god's blessing.
If you don't like the manga, why did you even press the cover page? You're all lolicons but has shame to admit it bruh
10/10 would recommend
Feb 15, 2018
I think if you manage to finish this guy's manga and still claim you're not a lolicon, then there's something wrong with you.

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