I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 12.1 - Publisher 2nd Edition

Aug 19, 2020
Really poeple?
Do you know that the MC skins turn white for a reason right? It's vital for the story to keep going, to show that poeple start to change their behavior drastically to her since she recieve white king blessing, which she hate this kind of hypocrite the most.

And due to lots of protest now she remain tanned which could change the whole events, there isn't any major different between after and before she receive white king blessing from the prespective of every other poeple (in manga) so why did they for no clear reason change their behaviour to her suddenly if her skin remain tanned a.k.a no major difference? i mean like c'mon man. Japan sees white skin as a beauty, and at the same time they make the mc have a black hair as representative of black king and white skin as representative of white king, therefore what's wrong with the mc skins turn white in order to make her more beatiful "in their (japan) taste"? Why bother to connect it to racist and offended by it when the market target is japan itself not america or any other country. It's not like you're buying the official manga afterall, so chill the hell out everyone. If you don't like then leave it, sure racist is the worst kind of social treatment, but keep blaming the author for his creation for such a reason is just unbearable to see
Apr 3, 2019
I don't have any particularly strong feelings about this whole "controversy", but what I will say is that the comment section is friggin' hilarious. 🤣
Jan 11, 2020
"Let's change the author's work because sjw(who do not consume this product) are upset" at its finest
Dec 1, 2019
@SeraphRose It is necessary for her development as it shows to her plain as day how hypocritical these people are (she kinda needs it as she's pretty dense) which is sending her into a dark spiral of anger and frustration more than when they fear and scorn her. This part of the story will be where she realizes that there will always be these kind of people but at the same time, there are also people who care about her simply because she is Claudia and not because of her blessings, appearance or power.

As for the context of the world, people of that world find dark hair, skin and eyes creepy and scary. Only a few were able to look past that and see her for who she is, most of the nobles didn't believe or chose not to believe as it was so ingrain in their society that the last person who had the blessing of the Dark spirit king almost destroyed the country despite there being context for it. So without undeniable proof, there will always be naysayers as that's how people are. As for why the author went with skin color instead of anything else, they were clearly going for an asian look as that is the targeted demographic.
Jul 2, 2018
darkskin tag still exist. not really mad just kinda confused as to why the author just decided to YA YEET a part of the character
Aug 26, 2020
Hell yes I love that she isnt forgiving them all so easily because she shouldn't. Especially the mom she is an ass
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@YuuyaYTB idk man, the change is pretty darn significant 🤣
I also uploaded it as a .1 after consulting MD mods, so it's all good fam!
(pretty sure they just wanted to conserve the shitshow that is OG 12 comments 😁)
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 19, 2019
What smart people see: it’s because of the blessing, and how destructive dark can be.

What idiot morons see: it’s because of the skin color.
Jan 19, 2018
If they needed to signify that she got the light king's blessing, why not change her hair or eye color? Like, didn't her dark king blessing also make those black?

Incoming third version when the artist thinks of that
Jun 13, 2020
Honestly tho what did the author expect when they changed her colour to be light skinned they should have prepared for the backlash.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2018
So let me get this straight, she's the daughter of a white man and a white woman in a place where everybody is white and she's born dark-skinned because of the dark spirit, and the light spirit removes the "curse". So now she's the daughter of a white man and a white woman in a place where everybody is white and she doesn't have any curse anymore, thus she's white, so...racism. sure.
Active member
Mar 11, 2018
I'm really happy she got her original skin tone back. Even if makes a tiny bit less sense for the story, but honestly, you could have made part of her hair lighter or something, if necessary.

My major reasoning: We've got enough pale black-hair girls. Killing her skin color is making her boring as hell, because it changes one of the few elements that actually stand out for this manga. Also don't quite like the white-washing, even if it is critized ("too little too late", indeed!) in the story and for apparent plot-purposes. (That her hair color could have been swapped for a glorious blonde or white instead of her skin color, being just as obvious? Let's just ignore that, shall we... xD)
May 13, 2020
Within the context of this manga

Black skin= ugly, evil, cruel, conniving
Light skin= beautiful, pure, kind, innocent

I personally do not like the skin change, as MC has been fighting against stereotypes assigned to her, has changed people's mindset, and taken care of problems all whilst having "dark" skin, and I would have rather more people come to see her holistically (not the "despite her skin" defense, as that is still saying that having dark skin is bad).

However, I do understand the significance of changing her skin, as this is a honest reflection of our society as a whole (the lighter the skin, the more intelligent, sophisticated, educated, wealthy, etc one is deemed to be over someone with darker skin). I honestly find it funny, if not ironic, how people are defending the author's choices. It's almost like they don't see that the author is calling them out...
The author is ultimately saying, if you are defending this skin change, you are a part of the problem. You should be highly upset, that solely based upon the color of physical features of which she had no choice, she was being treated like she was less than human. And now that her skin is lighter she is a beloved (slightly misunderstood) daughter, a valued member of society, a human being.

If you don't find this subject topical, reflective, and problematic then I can surmise where your headspace/political views lay.
Aug 6, 2018
Dark chocolate, milk chocolate,

As long as she's a chocolate I'm fine with anything

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