@duskyloltun Thats a shame (for the series). Usually the last pages of a chapter have to be 'meaningful' in some way. Either by a 'satisfying conclusion' or a 'cliffhanger'. This is neither. Not much hopes for the future. Less expectations for the future.
First of all thank you for the chapter I appreciate the time and effort the scanlators put both into this as well as taking the additional time to answer commentator question and concerns. This seems interesting and rather imaginative so it will be cool seeing the progress of this world still coming to terms with living in a fantasy world where things she took for granted and the unreal are now a part of her everyday reality.
But that part of me that is a dreamer after reading this first chapter all I can say is I ship it.
Thanks for the uploads, I know a weekly schedule can be grueling so feel free to rest as needed. I’m interested in this story, and seeing where it goes!