A pirate site calling out other pirate sites for pirating from them what they pirated from others... it's like that video of that thief in Brazil complaining how his car got stollen while he was mugging a pharmacy... has there ever been a better example of the pot calling the kettle black?
Holy shit, so much has happened. Thanks for the updates! This is one of my favorites. I’m looking forward to seeing what happened to the hero’s party after being wiped and Rania’s confrontation with the depressed sword master.
A pirate site calling out other pirate sites for pirating from them what they pirated from others... it's like that video of that thief in Brazil complaining how his car got stollen while he was mugging a pharmacy... has there ever been a better example of the pot calling the kettle black?
As if we have any right to complain LOL I understand people not liking this group, but it's been 50 chapters, get over yourselves already or block the group.
That aside, it looks like we're going to get some heavy past plot reveals, in VR and 4k
A pirate site calling out other pirate sites for pirating from them what they pirated from others... it's like that video of that thief in Brazil complaining how his car got stollen while he was mugging a pharmacy... has there ever been a better example of the pot calling the kettle black?
Furthermore, the other site translated and uploaded up to ch. 80 before this team cried for sniping (while being involuntary very funny with their chuunibyou declarations)... Then the team proceeded to publish extremely slowly their chapters and even asking readers to pay for them!