mother akoto and Takagi leaving Mayuko without breaking the door open after hearing screams, even if they called police, although Makoto would be exposed by now "sane" Mayuko would be better than seeking truth to Mayuko parents. Just a thought...
After psychotic episode, Mayuko looks... damn...
Guess Mayuko delusional "protective bubble" after the PTSD she made up has broken fully, seeing reality as rotten as it was.
Coworkers being toxic despite knowing she is mourning her husband while looking terrible not caring for her, boss touching her without her consent, even Nezu cheerful attitude was just a mockery...
So, Mayuko strangled Ayahiko on the penthouse after he probably cheated on her... good riddance but it broke her too...
Yeah, when Mayuko lived overseas got "involved with a monster", that's so caring way of a mother to say about sexual abuse.
Even Mayuko mother was a piece of shit, those weren't just "lies" that's psychotic breakdown and coping mechanism.