Immortal Hounds

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
I have the complete opposite opinion. Wars would by no means be endless, nor necessarily even that violent. We've seen some regular military tech in the manga and everyone just kills each other, and war isn't really a thing, canonically, but if we're talking about how we think it should be in this setting, then making the other guy bleed is a really bad idea in war when that makes them eventually die, to say nothing of killing them outright. War would be battles of incapacitation and subterfuge where everyone is using nonlethal weapons and sleeping gas and so on. Most of the killing would be people killing their own side to patch them up. There could still be some brutal shit like napalm strikes which would be crazy effective since you revive and are still on fire, but napalm is frowned upon irl for being too cruel and painful while drone strikes aren't banned even though they're more effective. There's no reason this setting wouldn't be the same, no reason to make people experience hours of unnecessary pain from sticky fire when you could just hit them with some kinda chemical knockout gas and tie them up, which is not only more ethical but also more effective for actually winning then blowing them up would be. War still ends when you capture enough of the enemy and/or destroy enough of their equipment to gain a clear advantage in military strength and can force them to do what you want. Wars would still be waged, for sure, maybe more or maybe less, but they would still be expensive as fuck and nobody would actively seek them out without some kind of reason. IMO, I think a war where everyone gets to go back home alive once someone wins and agreements are drawn up is way better than war irl where eveyone fuckin' dies.
I don't think violence should be commonplace or cultural either, pain is still painful and we do see people casually killing each other here and there in the manga but it's usually with a bullet to the head to make it as quick and painless as possible. Yeah, mutilation goes from "you scarred me for life you fucker" to "oh god dammit now I have to go find a lethal weapon to off myself" so it wouldn't be as big of a deal, sure. I'd maybe expect to see some friends just fucking around and killing each other here and there, but it's not like getting your arm chopped off wouldn't still hurt like hell while it's happening. Aside from killing someone to fix something, casual violence would be on par with the kind of assholes who kick each other full-force in the balls "just as a joke," something only idiots do and certainly not common, still something you can go to jail for if the other person doesn't consent to it and people aren't gonna consent to going through horrific pain just because you can fix it by shooting them in the head.
Unless you're a masochist, which does make me kinda curious as to what kind of fucking crazy horrific shit goes on on BDSM clubs in this setting.

Also, about the cars, idk what you're even talking about. Yeah, shooting up a car is a bigger deal than killing someone, and in chapter five when you got people shooting up cars one hesitates to shoot up a bus and the other one specifically says "Do it! It's all covered by taxpayer money, anyway!" so they very clearly care only about how much damage they're causing to the vehicles and they don't care at all about shooting the people. If you think the world should be more fucked up and damaging a car should be a bigger deal than killing a person then I don't see the problem because that's very clearly already the case.

Whatever your take is, though, I do agree that setting isn't used to its full potential since we don't really have any chapters to point to and say "this is the mangaka's take on war in the setting and it is/isn't how I think it should be," we just get a single line about how it isn't a thing.
The plot is fine, I think it's interesting, but god damn I really just wanna ditch these people and see more about the world. There's stuff about how immortality is the main thing that separates humans and animals, and how resurrections makes no sense scientifically, so there has to be some crazy religions revolving around it, show us some of those!
Seeing stuff like
mama delivering a parfait and exploding a head
is cool and all but all I really wanna know is if there's a regulation caliber for a school teacher's rifle that they use for the most consistently painless executions when some kid breaks his arm on the playground. Drop the plot and explore the setting, dammit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
This story's take on romance is so shockingly awful and disappointing it's an honest surprise.

They handled it so well in the prologue and had hints of it throughout the story, but every story beat moving forward has done a garbage job with it.
So the detective eventually wants to save windchime in order to get more information about how RDS is spread.
Eventually he gets an audience with her superior. The leader of the whole RDS operation and he doesn't push her for answers on this.
Then he just barfs out some random personal justification for saving her with no buildup and no insight from his previous interactions.

Not to mention the side characters.

The male lead in the prologue had a lot of potential and he gets thrown into the dumpster as a character.
Everyone's views on sex and relationship's are obviously played loosely, and the story makes an effort to condemn the viewpoints, but it also revels in it by doing so.

It's not a bad story though.

The overarching mystery is good and the combat scenarios are interesting. Some of the characters like the old man detective are well done as well.

Maybe I shouldn't expect much on the romantic writing front from a mangaka who drew gangbang and NTR eromanga with hyper masochist women tho. Love is a central theme of the story tho. It's hard to ignore.
Active member
Jul 13, 2020
wait, if there are no dentists (because you can basically heal somebody by killing them), how is there even a word for a dentist in this world?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
@TitanAnteus 100% agreed. I was really disappointed to see that the dude in the prologue was not the MC. I find the detective very unlikeable and would've prefer to see this world play out in the eyes of a dude who just wants to live his life.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
Pretentious dumb action schlock full of unlikable, underdeveloped characters. Its attempts to touch on big ideas hampered by its immaturity and inability to write characters that actually act like human beings.
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
i'm half tempted to pass on this one since the the cover didn't look very promising tbh
May 9, 2020
I still don't understand how the daughter got RDS. The fiance and daughter are the only people who got it, with no known contacts with other people that have RDS.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2019
They're saying that if you didn't end up with the person you were supposed to, have the number of kids you were supposed to, or deviated from the life plan set for you in any way, you got RDS. She veered off her plan, so she got RDS.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
Current chapter seems to imply that, in the universe where people are immortal, your fate is to some degree pre-determined, or at least who you're going marry, how many kids you have, and when you'll die (naturally???), and diverting from that is what gives you RDS. So if them hooking up isn't what their romantic fate was supposed to be, they'll both get RDS, because it's not really a disease that communicates from person to person but just a result of something happening. This would also imply that two other random people somewhere on the planet, their destined partners, got RDS, or maybe just one or nobody if the daughter and/or fiance were "supposed" to remain single.
That also explains how it can be transferred through "love," which didn't make any sense when we thought it was a disease but now makes a lot more sense as some cosmic force of romantic judgement. Getting into a relationship with someone from a parallel universe is a pretty surefire way to deter someone from relationships they were "fated" to have.

Granted, this is just the start of what should be a bigger conversation, we don't know everything yet so maybe it's more convoluted or specific.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
I’m on chapter 4 and I was hoping that someone can explain are they immortal or just invincible? Like if you get to a certain age you die?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020

They are immortal, they can be hurt. They are not invincible. Being invincible means you cannot die. However, they are resurrected after they die, so they are immortal. They can only die completely of old age.

They can be shot, run over, grinded, decapitated and they will die, but they will always resurrect.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
I don’t really understand the hate. I think the story is interesting and I don’t see the problem with the romance. If anything, it looks like how the author handles the romance was completely intentional.

I don’t think it’s a bad story, and i follow it because it’s interesting. It’s got guns, action, and world full of immortal people that doesn’t understand what a doctor is.
Mar 19, 2019
Huh around 1 volume left. And the spin-off only has 3 volumes. I'd guess nothing is resolved or explained.

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