Noooooo! It was going so perfectly T-T
What's going to happen next?
A. Cang Yu, misunderstanding the situation, will try to kill Situ Jian.
B. Situ Xia, although a bit late, will arrive on the scene and instantly everything will be perfect again like before the bombs exploded.
C. Cang Yu, fed up with this whole terrible war business will run for his horse and go look for Situ Xia so they can elope together and forget that any of this happened.
D. C, except it's Situ Jian's turn to run and he will go elope with the Princess.
E. Cang Yu, suddenly remembering that Situ Xia is a girl, will have his belated faint that should accompany such a monumental realization.
I've always pegged Cang Yu for the faint-of-heart sort of guy, so probably E.