@mahtan but then again, why would he say "no" to those requests or events that were being presented to him? What if the characterization of the mc is that he just can't help it? He seems like a selfless, not an egocentric character, always ready to lend his hand to anyone who ask for it, truly a dictionary definition of a hero.
Speaking about development, that's also quite tricky in this series. Did he ever experience something life-changing? I believe the answer is a hard no, everything has been easy for him. If any, he's just pilling good karmas.. he's becoming a better person than before but he started as a good person (again, he's a stereotypical hero character). Now, how would we quantify the quality of some character from good to better? How can we know that he (for example) goes from generous to more generous than before? There's no contrast for us reader to know that for sure. So I guess that's a problem of expectation? Idk.
And speaking about life changing experience, I guess this is the first taste the mc has ever experienced it. He "lost" the battle. Anyhow, I know what's gonna happen so I'm not expecting much for the following chapters....