"SAVE ME ONEE-SAN" hahahah everyone in this is such a mood/relatable. and i cant lie if the trade off is being able to do something you never really could before with some level of skill and knowledge thrown in(the skill ticket) i'd be tempted to face my fears too, not that it'd be easy. also its official masaru is currently the fastest known method of transportation xD.
oof victinias, i love ya girl, but why you gotta harsh what was a mostly lighthearted chapter with such a landmine request. at least it wasnt a demand though. but i dont want something that hits masaru too hard, at least yet, i know its potentially inevitable but i've been loving his lighthearted love to craft/build and teach attitude. from what we've seen he could very well beat one of the mutant bears with reasonable ease atm so he's only goinig to get stronger. imagining that and his skills/ability(not the skills) imagining him getting truly upset is pretty scary lol. could be good too though, i'd just like more fun time with his giant family first though.