@neet101: im already used to this kind of series or post-apocalyptic series where characters leave money behind if the take something from an store.
@andrmnh: i know the ship aint gonna have rifles, but at least take the swords from the dead dudes or your typical emergency axe that is always hanging on the walls. Even metal pipes can be used as blunt weapons. At least i expect them to not go empty handed against armed dudes.
I also guess the MC would have taken some medical supplies from that life raft to heal Tachibana i think was called.
@Tearsax I'm leaning on the fact the ship's a wreck and things like that are difficult to scavenge. Not entirely impossible though! I'd look for those things myself if i'm on the same boat.
I do imagine the crafty MC's going to pick up the junks and aces, sidekick kun will be resourceful and loot useful parts, and badboy going to pick up a weapon or two.
@andrmnh: exactly because the ship's a wreck that there should be a lot of dangerous-looking metal thingies around.
Pretty sure the bad boy is gonna take the sword of the dude he is fighting, but i have SERIOUS doubts the other two are gonna pick anything useful to defend themselves, even tho its the MC the one more "induced" to get into trouble if he wanna go after his female friend.
Hopefully there's some actual magic/supernatural involved or that guy being 99% burned and not only alive but attacking other people is just too much for my suspension of disbelief.