Agreedwhy the fuck would the author take away the focus from charles henri to focus on marie vagina? why? henri was a somewhat good character with his moral compass, ideals, guilt over being an executioner and i found how he eventually comes to terms with his situation as an executioner reallistic, he cant go on chasing dreams when he now has a family to take care of, marie vagina, on the other hand, is such a cookie cutter girlboss character that it hurts, tries to emulate being a man with her clothes, her stupid hairstyle, always being unnecesarely violent and rude, and never facing repercussions for her actions,
to think she would say, outloud and among nobles, how most of them will eventually end executed, how she has a lesbian relationship with marie antoniette herself and faces no repecurssion for it
jesus christ, the manga started good but to see it going downhill so steep and so fast by introducing such an idiotic useless character, its like the mangaka ask himself "how can i make my manga far far worse"? such a disspointment, i give it a 6 out of 10.
The story went tits up midway through because the story as well as ALL of its charachters (including Marie) became disjointed and confusing, not because the author suddenly introduced a 'shit charachter' - Marie was there from the very beginning. If you think Maries charachter wasn't planned from the get-go you weren't paying attention. Hell, she was the first charachter that we met even before Henri + not getting to know her name until laterwhy the fuck would the author take away the focus from charles henri to focus on marie vagina? why? henri was a somewhat good character with his moral compass, ideals, guilt over being an executioner and i found how he eventually comes to terms with his situation as an executioner reallistic, he cant go on chasing dreams when he now has a family to take care of, marie vagina, on the other hand, is such a cookie cutter girlboss character that it hurts, tries to emulate being a man with her clothes, her stupid hairstyle, always being unnecesarely violent and rude, and never facing repercussions for her actions,
to think she would say, outloud and among nobles, how most of them will eventually end executed, how she has a lesbian relationship with marie antoniette herself and faces no repecurssion for it
jesus christ, the manga started good but to see it going downhill so steep and so fast by introducing such an idiotic useless character, its like the mangaka ask himself "how can i make my manga far far worse"? such a disspointment, i give it a 6 out of 10.
no, no, clearly marie was there from the begining, hard to forget that little shit explaining charles that cutting tendons was the key to take the execution to its conclusion, wow, genius, the little girl is smarter than the protagonist, solid writing right there, marie was garbage from minute one and it only got worse over time, but i agree in some of what you say, marie was consistenly garbage from begin to end, and true, charles just dropping his ideals and goals of ending executions felt maybe a little sudden but to me that is in part to the several timeskips the author introduced.The story went tits up midway through because the story as well as ALL of its charachters (including Marie) became disjointed and confusing, not because the author suddenly introduced a 'shit charachter' - Marie was there from the very beginning. If you think Maries charachter wasn't planned from the get-go you weren't paying attention. Hell, she was the first charachter that we met even before Henri + not getting to know her name until laterThe charachters ideals and goals all just went off the rails, jostled along by the authors attempts to put a spin on history and make them fit into it. Innocent Rogue especially highlights this - the ending just went on and on and is only a continuation of the dissonance we saw in the last 20 - 30 chapters of Innocence. I'm assuming Marie took centerstage partway through because her charachter, while having the name of Henri's real sibling, is essentially totally made up as opposed to Henri, who they have a fair bit if historical documentation to lean back on, so they had more freedom to styelize the story through Marie instead.the blood splatter over her name in the beginning when the family was all being introduced around the dinner table heavily foreshadowed the type of charachter she would be.
Henri's change in progression was more stark in my opinion, he seemed to totally toss away his morals and ideals by the endMarie didn't make much sense either, but she made more sense than Henri in the end because she essentially didn't chance much through both manga. She was just always that bitch.and its poorly explained away by 'having a family', but he dosen't get them back until the end of Innocent Rogue because... he lost a member of his family???
It does just more semi realistic art stylethis doesn't feel japanese at all lol