Thanks for the chapter!
Personally I don't think 3 legged Crow is evil or deserve to be wiped out. Granted they're a little more underhanded and self-serving than the other two fleets but they're not evil. If they were Ding Yuan wouldn't consider Himiko her rival that she wants to defeat in a fight where both are in peak shape or ask Siyun if anything could be done to help them or look disturbed or worried when things are going badly for them on the living planet. The fact she's not enjoying their losses or asking for wine to celebrate their destruction even by another's hand is proof of that. However, despite their arrogance Crow does share several similarities with Beiyang like their Fleet Admiral not just putting in as much effort as the job requires but personal effort and resources into taking care of the angels under them, have a Heaven tier angel willing to put forth all her effort and even willing to die to ensure the future of her little sisters, and huge amount of pride in themselves and each other.
As for not asking for assistance they did have several good reasons for it. Part of it is pride and wanting to be independent. Part of it is guilt for not helping Beiyang despite having signed a contract would do so when needed. Part of it is fear of becoming the slave of another owner like Dita who offered a favor way back when and has been bullying and treating them like slaves since. It's been mentioned that they'd owe a favor for any aid received and Siyun never said what the cost of that aid would be other than Himiko kissing Yuan's feet which I doubt would be considered enough for the fuel, munitions, and casualties used or lost rendering that aid nor that he would ask for more. Also, never said wouldn't be asking for more for the aid either and considering how long the contract was there might be a rough minimum payment the aidee must pay the aider for help conquering a planet. With just the seed Crow had a chance to shake off Dito's yoke and keep the prizes they sacrificed much for rather than turn them over to greedy investors who demand thanks for measly funds and much abuse similar to when Beiyang conquered Insect Planet. While Himiko did ask for help it was for her sisters, not herself, and because she was desperate to save them because she knew that she and they couldn't handle the situation themselves anymore.
Bet dollars to donuts the anti-virus stays on the ship acting like a butler although I wonder how long before it and the mid-school aged puppet are raised from 5% to 100%. If it takes more than a month or two Crow's Fleet Admiral might try to tear the ship apart herself.