Iron Ladies - Ch. 212 - The Fourth Heaven Tier

Dex-chan lover
Dec 1, 2018
Last page, how did you know that's a woman, it can be a man for a twist 😉😉😉
Feb 4, 2018
They can make puppets body, why not some sensors for an AI? 😁

The Professor died in the Attack of the Energy Conference. Now his AI is used as a commentator, and he became less "stupid", and more understanding of the MC action (He still don't approve them, but he understand The other one with the big mole on the check if far more stupid...)
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 5, 2018
Now would she be Beiyang´s foster mother or foster grandmother?

BTW mate you are the real hero here!
But do you have to be so heroic one day before my finace exams?
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019
Now his AI is used as a commentator, and he became less "stupid", and more understanding of the MC's actions.

Honestly, I think the professor has always been on the side of "the ends don't justify the means, even if I agree with the ends", as well as "you have to consider the consequences of these violent actions", and he's gone through several phases over the course of the series. (He might have had the most character development/change of anyone in the cast.) Originally, he didn't understand what 'ends' the MC was fighting for. Once he understood those, he still wasn't sure if the MC was just a despot paying lip service to the 'ends'. He eventually started to believe that the MC really was trying to accomplish those 'ends', but he still thought that the 'means' were despicable and barbaric, no matter what goal they were in service to, and that the consequences of using those 'means' might completely undermine the 'ends'.

Really, the professor's the kind of guy who'd argue against someone who presented a bad argument for a position he agreed with, and I love him for it. Probably because I'm the same way.

I'm very interested in where his character goes from here, since he's now willing to make statements in full support of the MC when he thinks the 'means' were entirely justified.

The other one with the big mole on the check if far more stupid...

That guy was a douchebag, and I'm glad he's out of the picture. Didn't the OG professor actually beat him up once?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Her angel gear is still active because even if she's not a frontline soldier anymore, she's a Planet Lord. Which means either that:
- the rules don't apply to her.
- she's still technically a member of Beiyang.
Sep 23, 2018
No matter how much I try, there is no way I can think of the professor as a robot and not a rock with glasses that can talk. It's just impossible.
Jan 26, 2019
I will have to go with the rules don't apply to her. Have we gotten any planet lord that is ruling or someone that is very close to the ruling seat that can be actually hurt for breaking rules?

The only ones that I can say that can actually be swayed by morals, not actually rules are

The prince that Dragon Queen is protecting but that is an extremely shaky situation as the queen is there to both scare him and protect him so that things go smoothly.

And we the kid prince that that bitch of a queen dowager wants to kill.

There is also the two princesses but I don't remember their character and they are also getting married off away even if they want to be with their Mu.
Aggregator gang
Apr 3, 2018
1. This is rad, glad that Yayu mom is a rad ass angel, it sucks this race doesn't actually exist cause I'd totally try and marry a Yayu girl if they are similar to best mom here.

2. While I love the consistent updates try not to burn yourself out Allen. You've already done so much for us.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
Battle MILF is a Planet Lord under Beiyang, only one left to see/meet after that.

so, it is 5 living Heaven tier, and they don't need to be on full active duty... will LOL if the last one is MC's mom.

Not sure why people are surprised that angel can be fertile.

@Sandy, told you there was a reason for her weird personality.
Feb 28, 2019
The shenshui planet is technically under Beiyang jurisdiction and therefore part of Beiyang.
Mar 5, 2019

Prince Seventh is so enamored with Dragon Queen that she has no reason to scare him. She could ask him to do almost anything and he would grant it. Hell, she doesn't even need to ask him and he does things.
Mar 8, 2019
Wait... Prof. Xing... Did you hit a girl with that oil drum body??? OAO!!!

Well... At least we know before that he can do Tan Tui with that body, but still HUH !!??

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