Iron Ladies - Ch. 227 - I’m Not Arrogant


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
There's a spy around here! *knocks elder princess with a wrench*
May 11, 2018
And here we go with blond bowl cut again. Easily my least favorite character in the series
Double-page supporter
Jul 28, 2018
Thank you for your continued scans and not doing anything for April fool's day. It was funny the first couple things I tried to read, haha, you got me. But group after group did, shit got old pretty fast. I did like what mangadex did tho, that was funny.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter and not doing an April Fool's joke!
I thought only Immortal Godmother could lend her battleform, how was Yuan able to garb the princess in it? Having the FIre Caltrop carry her is doable since it'd be like getting on a vehicle, but she was wearing the mask and suit as well. Since she called it back after dropping the princess that means she's able to take on any beast puppets that show up, so other than covering up the elder princess' rescue, is there some other reason why she's pretending to be the princess? Considering her temper, and doesn't sound like the princess I doubt she'd be able to fool everybody for long. Seems the dowager has been too busy selling out Pleides and viewing the princess as goods to sell to Ditu to get a good grasp of the princess' personality to notice Yuan has taken her place. Especially since the princess has already put the pic of her with Mu on her public account. Growing up in the palace should have given her better instincts about politics and not revealing where she is after escaping house arrest, so does anyone else think she might be a powerful angel which is why she acts like Immortal Godmother or Planet Lord Shenshui at times? Would explain her wanting to put a pic of her and Mu into her public account over being happy escaped the Dowager or considering need to keep the fact she escaped secret.
Btw Is there any significance for the red fans or a dance done with them? There's been several occasions where women were dancing with the red fans like the welcome party for the elder princess.
Active member
May 21, 2018
How funny he will punish anyone who discloses the secret and then boom wiki princess leaks
Dec 3, 2018
Pleiades is in for another surprise. I would have thought that the kicked the evil step mom off world already
Golden hamster is a champion
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
@Mathiason, I think IG is the only one that can lend her battle form in a way that can be used (controlled) by someone else.
Dec 27, 2018
@Mathiason No one knows Ding Yuan and the eldest princess switched places. You can see the text: "Beiyang's new encrypted signal" when Ding Yuan views the picture so it's safe to say they were able to stop the princess from posting it on her public page. Instead i think either Mu send that picture to Ding Yuan so she'll wreck havoc in Pleiades or Beiyang has something like a fleet posting board or something.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
@Lightweight-kun you're probably right it's likely the equivalent of the Beiyang posting board. Although I doubt Mu would send it. For starters it's embarrassing.
Partially because it'd be really easy to misunderstand and while he isn't interested in the princess he is interested in Yuan. Also, since princess with him is a SSS military secret he'd more likely send a message saying package received or something that would let Yuan know princess arrived safely while leaving anyone who manages to get a copy of and decrypt the message won't know what the package is, just that Mu got something. As for havoc maybe it's to capture the Dowager and bring her to Beiyang so the emperor can judge her guilty of several crimes before she's painted on the main street. Considering Yuan's temperament and lack of education it can't be anything long term as either her temper or dearth of knowledge of the expected etiquette of nobles will eventually give her away.
@AngleBoi7 So you're saying that Immortal Godmother can lend her battle form to someone else to use, but in princess and Yuan's case the princess was just along for the ride like a passenger on a plane while Yuan was controlling her battle form remotely like auntie did with her lower body and was in control the whole time.
Mar 12, 2019
This 4 day cliffhanger is torture enough, so I am happy with no april fools, since april fools is just a big giant joke of a day, who cares about trying to fool people on a set date, like who you think you're gonna fool? Anyone dumb enough to fall for something on april fools would be dumb enough to be fooled any other day anyway.

Keep up the good work Allen, this manga is currently my favorite right now. It's genius.
Dec 27, 2018
@Mathiason Good point, Mu wouldn't send something like that as proof. It doesn't fit his character either. Maybe they intercepted the message but because of that it got posted on the Beiyany posting board or something who knows.

Also yes. Immortal Godmother is the only confirmed angel that can give control of her battle form to someone else. Also the princess said something about not knowing where she was and the last thing she remembers being Ding Yuan pushing her inside that battle form, so from that we can assume Ding Yuan controlled that thing remotely or at the very least gave it a destination order.

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