Iron Ladies - Ch. 242 - Black Peppered Steak Flavor

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
But the teacher still didn't explain how that lone empress stopped the Aryans, she just praised their culture a little.....
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapters!
@gaigous The teacher probably projected the pics we saw on the screen behind her. Although pictures should have had Hao's white clothes turning red from all the blood. Can't hack up or execute that many without getting some blood splashed on. As for how stopped the Aryans she, and whoever helped her face probably used the home ground advantage to meet them at a choke point limiting how many Aryans could attack and prevent being surrounded. Then again explanation could be in description of calling Hao a demon in her hunting grounds was because she was so strong that even surrounding her didn't help the Aryans land a blow and was able to slaughter them in large numbers demonstrating how her high quality was able to overwhelm their enormous quantity. Although probably won't get any more details about Hao as her time is several centuries ago unless the story line coincides with current events again. Still wondering if Himiko descended from Hao or if Junkun's fleet admiral wanting her alive is for some other reason but will just have to hope get an explanation soon. Although Junkun fleet probably can't do much since their trump card satellite was hijacked and most of their ground forces swallowed by black holes. Granted still have the space fleet stationed nearby and the Fleet Admiral likely too vain and arrogant to realize he's screwed and will try to cause more trouble.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Mathiason Wasn't that a pre-space age earth history lesson? Chokepoint or no chokepoint, how could a single vanilla human woman stop an entire army?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
Please don't hit testicles. It can cause severe health problems, including heart attack, coma, and death. You can read about several such cases in the news.

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