Iron Ladies - Ch. 283 - The Second True God Soul Soldier

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2019
The fried chicken came back to life?

Also, these battles are streamed to everyone who wants to watch. Is there really anyone out there, besides that one idiot, that would side with the guys destroying planets and killing innocents, just because some crazy lady blames 10k soldiers deaths of their alliance firing off super weapons? At this point, even if I had some sympathies for the dragon slayers or hate towards the evil dragon, after all these streamed incidents I would be like, "down with the evil dragon slayer alliance, those guys be bat-sh*t crazy."
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
The "but it wasn't us" BS again.

different chicken, the fried one is in a bucket on the first page.
Group Leader
Dec 1, 2018
@SuperSaiyanSandwich the Cliff's notes version is the assassin pulled him in to a pocket dimension that he controlled then he split Mu Siyun apart at the atomic level. Mu Siyun used that diffusion to take control of the space and cause it to collapse in to a black hole. The collapse scattered the atoms everywhere. Due to My Siyuns knowledge of the multiple heavenly races even in an atomic state he can still understand the pattern of the universe enough to pull himself back together. Eventually out in a random area of space he coalesced into his Yin and Yang (The male and female form) probably because it was easier for the patterns to find each other.

Then generic bad guys did generic bad guys shit and Mu Siyun fought a monk who generic bad guy made fall in love with someone just so he could then kill her and corrupt the monk through grief and drug addiction (to the silver flowers). Big ass cannon ships showed up and they used the skill left to them by the reformed monk to create a wormhole that made the cannons shoot themselves.

It's a lot of Deus Ex Machina kinda stuff but that's more or less what's happened.
Active member
Mar 14, 2019
seriously, where the hell is his main body in all of this??? these two are soul soldiers split from the one soul soldier the fought the assassin in that pocket dimension right?

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