is genshin impact good

Jan 14, 2021
Well, depends on how you play it
I play that for 3 months, and it becomes repetitive

And feels alone, lack of co-op contents
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
> i hear about it everywhere
Just another gacha.

> my friends are always saying the couldn't study for a test because they were playing genshin
They should seek for mental help. Simple as that.

> is it good?
Just another gacha.
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2020
Well u see, it’s a pretty good game
But I personally don’t play it anymore bc when the Klee banner first came out I spent enough money to get pity points and only got Jean

And so I gave up
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
It’s fun and then it becomes “fun.”

It’s like every other gacha game but this one has slightly higher quality due to its open world and not being a .png collector.

In the beginning it’s pretty fun due to being an open world exploration based game but once you reach a certain point (~AR40), the game becomes a chore due to content droughts.

The game is very f2p friendly, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But the game has a lot of grinding (you have to grind for everything) and combat is nothing but DPS checks.

The characters are nice and the world is built with love and care but the game is just empty. It’s a lot like BotW, enemies are scarce and there’s not really much to do other than hunting things down.

In terms of story, there’s not much as the game came out only recently. The story is slow and will take about eight years to complete at current pace.

Unfortunately this game does induce FOMO very easily. That’s what your friends are suffering from. Don’t play gacha if you are susceptible to that.

Overall I’d say come back and ask this question again at the end of September when the new region comes out. A lot of players have agreed that Inazuma will be the make or break for the player base as most players seem to be frustrated with the lack of content and miHoYo’s increasing stinginess in terms of free stuff.


Jul 6, 2019
The game was really good when I started it. The first 20-30 adventurer ranks went in a breeze. Now, in adventurer rank 40, the game is getting quite repetitive.

The quests I have left are story guests, which don't seem to be too interesting, as they're usually just errand running simulators.

Daily quests, which we get 4 a day are done quite quickly. Not enough to keep one occupied for more than 30-45 min. Other than that, you can explore the world or just level up your characters

The game is enjoyable for a free game, the exploration is great as long as it doesn't get repetitive (damn you 3 surprise slimes! Frick off!).

In conclusion, the game is definitely worth a download, but just don't put any money into it. Or you can. I'm a sign, not a cop. The game is good fun for around a hundred hours, and the fact that you're eventually going to get bored of it shouldn't outweigh the amount of entertainment you could have. Just remember, be careful with the gacha. It's literally gambling, and a lot of people get addicted to it, and addiction always starts from the "huh... This is neat" feeling.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I stopped playing for about 2-3 months, only came back last week. It's been fun, but it really is grindy (how the f am I supposed to level up characters?!). I don't have many characters since I missed many banners and I lack enough primogems to roll a lot. I've also skipped plenty of content, haven't done a single dungeon, haven't opened many bubble flowers that give you stuff, haven't even faced bosses. I basically only have done the first "arc" with the dragon (not a spoiler since it happens 10 minutes into the game)
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
It's an awful, soul-sucking skinner box meticulously designed to lure you in with pretty visuals and anime tiddy, only to then lock you into a constant treadmill of grinding with gameplay that's as bland as eating an unseasoned baked potato. It's tolerable if you're a weirdo who's into that kind of thing, but just avoid the community. It's the most repulsive mix of weebs, tumblr expats and k-pop stans I've ever seen.

Noelle cute af tho
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Jul 6, 2019
@Richman what adventurer rank are you? That sounds quite normal for a beginner. I was similar, as in I didn't go into a dungeon until mid-game.

The main way to level Up characters is to use the "level up" function in the characters screen. Feed them some adventurer's experience or other stuff. It's the main way to level. Quests or enemies don't give enough XP to even mention.

@Plophop indeed, Noelle is cute. Though I do wonder how you're so shocked at the community, as anime fans tend to be exactly that. Here, you're surrounded by them.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
About 22-23, I don't want to use all of m adventurer's experience books or whatever because it feels like a waste, but you receive breadcrumbs of experience so you're kinda forced to use them :/
Jan 17, 2020
endgame feels like a chore but i enjoy the lore and exploring the open world, i’m excited for the events too
Nov 21, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
When it comes to f2p games I just play Epic Seven on my phone when I'm bored or waiting for something.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
man the wait for new things are long, so you are better off waiting for a bit to have more content. inazuma when?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I found the actual gameplay pretty lacking. The world seems to be lovingly crafted, but travel mechanics and combat are pretty disappointing.
Sep 2, 2020
The gacha is great, story is good but takes a while for new content, combat is interesting but you need to grind for items to make your character good. If you play on your phone, it'll feel pretty boring. I recommend playing on a computer.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
story and setting are interesting
gearing is a fucking chore
there's been a long dearth of content for a good while, mostly dripfed small events and web events
gacha is always pain and suffering, no need for specifics
combat is ehhh, not as good as honkai
electro is currently a shitty element, heard they'll be fixing stuff but otherwise it's a shit element with good characters (except keq, feels bad)

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