What the fuck did I just read? (The translation is absolutly fine, it's the story that is messed up.) Is MC broken in his head? Are they totally nuts? That pope guy is clearly trying to get rid of them.
Okay, here is how I see it: First it was him, who send out the Nun-Loli on her mission, in which she nearly died. (Can't remember if that is correct, but if it is, is it a coincidence? (Edit: I reread ch5. It's not a coincidence. IMHO he is clearly out for them.) Maybe he wants her to disappear?) Then he sends the whole team to that platau, where people die rather often. But they dare to come back alife. AND with achievements! Now he is panicing, but also becoming brave. If they are actually that stupid to pull through and reach that platau, they might even stupid enough to "investigate" the "paradise". Something no person right in their mind would consider except they have special circumstanses, like they are sick or suicidal and will die anways or they really want to make it big, no matter the cost. I thought MC just wanted to make a living. So Pope-dude sends his mooooost precious adventurer team on that mission of no return, beecauuse "If anyone can make it, its you guys! wink". "Hellyeah! YES! Lets do this!"
I'm baffled.
Edit: I reread chapter 5. Katia was send to "investigate" a dragon. Katia. A citygirl. Send into the wilderness. Alone. A DRAGON. ALONE! 'nuff said.