Although I think the MC himself is a bit dense and flat... I also feel there was (a wasted) opportunity to develop his character given his upbringing of being trod upon.
And by that I mean: being blind -- or rather, not caring -- about appearances or social bias... "normalcy" / Japanese concept of "face" (not literal body part)... since he himself was beaten down for it. Either disabused, or perhaps inoculated/bitter to their advances.
- i.e. MC: "People treated me like crap before, so I will be a bit more mature and careful in judging people who are nice to me only now, going forward." (<= Author: "NOPE.")
- Instead we got: dense MC, "is this a butterfly? women are attracted to me?" typical JP shonen trope. Which I'm a bit repulsed by, speaking as literary critic.
The setup could have been used to make him a deeper character, instead it made him shallower. I'm rooting for the asassin, simply because she's a bit of a mirror of MC of
"having a past she didn't want, but has to move forward carrying" ...but I am guessing author of original WN will follow the same shallow development they did for MC's past.
Any WN readers want to spoil us, how that plot thread goes?
(Rather, me?)
Edit: I went and skimmed the translated LN where this ends (Volume 3, Chapter 1, Part 2).
- And holy crap, it's terrible. MC is insufferable, and has negative IQ. Manga author did a hell of a (good) job adapting this nonsense, focusing on the cute heroines instead. And completely ignoring/skipping over MC's braindead internal monologues.
- Pretty damning single-sentence summary from one review, if you've read Shinka no Mi (WN):
"The same kind of hero worked for the author in Shinka No Mi/Fruit of evolution because it didn't treat itself seriously and relied on comedy. But IseLeve wants to be a serious novel, with serious topics and serious situations."
"Unfortunately it relies on MC, who heals everyone with the power of kindness (and densness), so nothing ever gets properly explored."
My disappointment is immeasurable, and day is ruined. On the flipside, I found a neat webnovel by the wayside Nyx was translating. May give that a read instead to clear the aftertaste.