"Thank you very much, master! Please use me to your heart's content!"
Japanese protags are more likely to be hypocrites and pretend they don't like getting isekai slavegirls (despite it being an insanely popular trope), regrettably.
Another popular trope is when the natives hate other races, even though the races are portrayed as barely being different at all, such as beastpeople being just attractive humans except + tail & animal ears. (Another way for the protag to pat themselves on the back for being such an upstanding person who isn't a bad old racist!) They don't usually portray the races as actually being significantly different enough that the "racism" is actually somewhat understandable (like if the people were actually hideous and smelly or really alien).
@GroundDead It also makes a lot more sense than the Engrish garble, "Ashtaltae".