Thanks for the TL.
I really don't know what to do with this series, I remember someone talking about how nonsensical the power level gets chapters ago and it's pretty insane. I've got used to these titles basically setting my expectations and that generally works for knowing what I'm getting into. If the title was The Battle of Ancient Deities and the Powerless Former Middle Aged Black Company Worker there'd be less people reading it but I think they'd be much more satisfied with what we've got.
I don't mind a weak MC who needs to get stronger but the title and the first few encounters tried to setup the MC as someone exceptional. The more we see of the average fucking enemy he runs into that power level seems pathetic. Him having a super lopsided build where he can just super speed himself up, for a bit until his body gives out or some dogshit has got lamer and lamer.
He's supposed to be a 40 year old or something but takes no agency in getting what he wants in most if not all situations despite seemingly having exceptional power. I can't help but feel if he was as scarred and traumatised by his losses in his prior life he would be way more eager to eliminate threats to his circle and once other organisations start trying to harm those around him then take further action. The way an adult (who I don't know, worked in a black company) understands how organisations can take advantage of those within them.
He's basically been bounced between various agendas and has shown near enough zero agency to take control of situations. That and there has been no clarification on what is really going on in the world, I mean they're apparently rewriting reality in this chapter and the prior events were to gather the tools to do so? To stop someone who has summoned something who if they informed MC and maybe had him take the guy out before he suspected anything could've been avoided?
This is a crazy mess honestly. The worst part is if they chose any of these one story lines we sped through in the last 15 or so chapters and fleshed it out more whilst growing the MC or at least letting him assert himself in the world and narrative more even if crazy shit was happening it'd feel less frustrating.