With regards to the story itself...
So, our man Almus is getting into some serious public works, looking into aqueducts, flood controls, and highways, as well as setting up a regulating body for Voodoo and Magic.
I know others are scoffing at the idea of long roads having designated pedestrian areas... But you have to remember that in a society this far back in development, the vast majority of travel is done at a walking-pace. Having everyone ride in carts and carriages is actually incredibly rare because your beasts of burden are preciously few, difficult to acquire, and have an absolute requirement of land for grazing - and land ownership is usually in the demesne of the nobility, royalty, and incredibly wealthy merchants.
So if you want a road where you can have fast-traveling wagons in a setting like this one, then you're gonna need both "fast" and "slow" lanes.
I just hope that their farriers are up to the task. Anyone who knows anything about horses will tell you that full-gallops for any duration on a hard, paved surfaces is absolutely brutal to an equine's hooves.