Licensed or not, IMO it doesn't matter! I checked the official English release from the MD link and they aren't that far ahead, they are about chapter 20 or so, but they go by volumes, so numerotation is different, though 20 is most likely all they got. Also official releases are usually snail paced slow, so I don't see the problem with someone scanlating licensed manga as long as the put in the work of translating themselves and stick the message support the author at the end. If anyone wants to support the author they will buy the manga even after reading the fan translated version too, otherwise they won't even if they would choke on a fishbone otherwise or something.
People can act high and mighty that you need to support or whatnot, but hey MD is a pirate site too, even if it's a quarter-legal or so, so basically all everyone reading here is doing it piracy according to the law no? Why be high and mighty and act like a moralist if you still read anyways? That just makes people hypocrits...