Hey guys, did you know what is the job of a typesetter? Taken literally, a "type setter" is a person that "places letters". That is, when we talk about scanlations - the typesetter is the one who gets a translation in a text file (from a translator or an editor/proofreader), a comic page with Japanese characters already erased (by a cleaner if they were on just white background, or by a redrawer if there was a picture underneath), and produces a final page with the translations placed in appropriately.
Taken bluntly, a typesetter is the one in charge of the Photoshop's 'Text' tool.
Naturally, a typesetter is the one in direct control of the placement and look of the translated text. So, if the lines from different bubbles slam into each other, if the font size is too small or if the font face is illegible - the typesetter is your first target to receive these complaints, as those are faults within his direct jurisdiction.
Also, a completely irrelevant piece of information; but did you know that this chapter's credits list Whitepod as a typesetter? Yeah, I didn't believe at first too!