Wall of text again. I sure don't know how to write a readable comment.
I might be wrong, but I kinda remember the slaver mentioning her agreeing. I'm too lazy right now to confirm it and it doesn't matter all that much, you might be right.
About the motivation ... I think I assumed it was obvious so I didn't mention it, at a later date I realized there is no evidence for the assumption and I was leaving part of the reasoning out, making it less understandable. As you said, when presented with the option of getting raped or not one would chose not to. But when presented with the option of having to do manual labor for life (or exposing yourself to mortal danger) or getting a bit raped you might actually evaluate both. We kinda assumed that no matter if sold as a sex slave or not the chances of being forced to have sex unwillingly were the same, this is not right. If a slave is sold as a non sex slave the chances of it happening are a lot lower, and if she clearly opposes the idea they are even lower (because we assume that the average customer would not purchase a slave he would have to retrain for her intended purpose), but in that case they will just be used as workforce or warriors. So if a slave can tolerate getting raped (like a prostitute does), she will just live a more comfortable life if she consents to it. If a slave doesn't, it's still in her best intrest not to sign up as a sex slave, even if it increases the chances of landing on a pervert. Having the posibility of using a non-sex slave for pleasure doesn't mean that every owner will actually do it. If they can afford it, they would prefer to get another slave for that. If they can't, they can still care enough about their cattle to know that forcing someone to do something they loathe will lower their overall performance on the long run.
And it does have a deeper meaning, just differently. Yeah, you are right about virginity before marriage (half right, actually. It varied a lot from region to region. The christian law was supposed to enforce it, but there were still a lot of places where it was not frowned upon to lose virginity upon engagement instead of upon marriage). But as you have said rape was not seen as that much of a crime. This has pragmatical origin, and in cases where the perpetrator was a local and the girl unmarried the punishment consisted of forced marriage (sounds ridiculous, right?). The reason is inheritance. A girl must remain pure before marriage (or engagement) so that her firstborn is actually of her husband. Where I want to arrive at is that for the woman, sex was a duty, it was expected of her, and it was seen as wrong if she didn't give it to her husband (she could, obviously, enjoy it. And the husband could take her feelings into consideration, we are not assuming all of humanity as heartless bastards. It's just that the feelings were not important for the social role of sex). For the man it was even more meaningless. With some exception, it was not even frowned upon a married man entering a brothel. Yet now sex without any kind of feelings is not seen as normal (with exceptions. There are still people who retort to prostitutes. But even then it's not well regarded by society). That's what I meant when I said sex had deeper meaning now. I suck at explaining, tho.
About Rome ... Most teachers for young nobles were slaves. When I say most I mean an overwhelming majority. The reason being that a full time teacher could not make sure he would earn enough money to survive (there's the chance of no one needing his services for a long time), so almost no one chose to become a teacher. A slave is supposed to be mantained by their owner, so they can dedicate themselves to the upbringing of the children (I'm not refering to the logic, rethoric, drama, etc teachers. Those were very highly regarded and had no trouble surviving. I mean more of a caretaker for the lord's children until they were 10~12 and started either military, political or artistic education).
And about perverts ... You are right, 100% right. But the dangerous kind are sadists. And with this I mean anyone who enjoys causing pain or doesn't care about causing pain to get enoyement. Take, for example, a pedophile. Yes, it's doubtlessly a pervert. He is so obviously wrong in his ways. And yet if he doesn't fulfill the conditions above, he will make sure not to make the girl suffer (for this the girl would have to be of semideveloped age (12~16) to meet both criteria: being a child and being able not to suffer), so he will not purchase a girl of that age group unless she is willing to consider that. It's a bit fourth dimmensional chess, because a girl of that age group will, half of the time, not have considered the posibility of it happening; or may be just too afraid, or disgusted; her willingness could be out of immaturity; and so on. There is also the possibility of such a customer not finding a willing slave and purchasing an unwilling one and forcing her, yet in that case he would fall into the cathegory of "doesn't care about causing pain" so he would be a sadist.