I also thought like you in the previous two chapters
but now for me I think it is weak, I explain myself
"it's been a long time since i've met an opponent worth hunting"
with this kind of sentences
I thought that this enemis was stronger than the MC
I thought there was the alarm because it was stronger, so I'm disappointed
I do not see why the use of a hostage would be included in the calculation of someone's strength
I understand that he uses his skills to fight, but using a hostage is for someone who does not have the advantage
his only advantage is to be sly
and I personally think it's the author who deserves to be gang bang,
because he does not know how to write a story without the MC or other characters doing stupid things
on one side it's better like that
at least we know it's wrong, because it's the bad guy who does that
while in many other stories, the MC rapes women, but the author pass it for something normal