Isekai Shoukan Oji-san no Juumusou Life ~Sabage Suki Salaryman wa Kaisha Owari ni Isekai e Chokki suru~

Sep 29, 2019
It's hard to support such cowardly trash MC's who's just as responsible for letting they're enemies go do horrific things all over again by letting them live. Sure, let the murdering rapist live. I'm sure the memories of his victims would be so proud of you giving him that chance to escape in a world of such low security.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
Okay, so... not bad.

Tags are completely inaccurate, and I'd suggest that @YukkuriOniisan maybe fix the tags on their upload...?

As for the gun in a fantasy setting discourse...
Guns in a fantasy setting are OPAF when in the hands of a  trained individual; theres a great video of a Japanese airsoft otaku who goes to the ISA to shoot reals guns, and his muscle-memory makes all the difference; using a real gun is pretty easy.
Flame control doesn't do anything to powder combustion, and it requires the flames to actually exist; you waould have to cast your spell in the time it takes for the hammer to strike the primer, and then suppress the flames during the 0.0000002 seconds that they exist during the brief combustion where they begin to propel the bullet.
Conversely, I would be VERY HAPPY to take a Wand of MagMissiles; Magic Missiles Never Miss their target, after all. So shooting 10d6 MagMissiles is like using a Z0RG rifle from 5th Element; one shot, and all the rest track in on the target. (Cant do that with an AK!)

Kinda cool manga; I'll put it on hold, for now.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2019
Stories like this are weird. Guns wouldn't give you a huge advantage in a fantasy world. Even if the damage of a single bullet were two or three times that of an arrow, it's still just base non-magical piercing damage. A low-level wielder wouldn't even be able to hit, much less damage, a powerful or magic-protected opponent. And a low-level fire suppression spell would instantly shut down any/all guns in the area.
Guns are much, much more effective than bows or crossbows. The actual effectiveness would depend on the magical system used in the setting. Though if non-magical weapons are still used then it's safe to say that yes a gun would be effective, against most things.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Guns are much, much more effective than bows or crossbows. The actual effectiveness would depend on the magical system used in the setting. Though if non-magical weapons are still used then it's safe to say that yes a gun would be effective, against most things.
Agreed. I communicated poorly in this thread.

My point was that the power of D&D's magic is arbitrarily "capped" so as not to exceed the lethality and capacity of medieval European arms. This ensures parity between PC classes and also between PC's and their level-appropriate opponents.

If a DM/GM wanted to introduce realistic guns to the setting, they'd have to rework all of that, as well as combat itself, to maintain game balance.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2018
A simple review and warning for readers: Have read up to chapter 14.
The concept is fun and the story is wacky enough and swings between some sorts grim tones but is generally light-hearted.
Too bad that just doesn't have a good edge of seriousness and some characters aren't really likeable.
It's a lukewarm read so I just got tired with it.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 4, 2023
would be nice if this mf mc bring A PTRD-94 or MACHINE-GUN ... just puny gun lul 🥲
Aug 11, 2020
words cannot express how much my inner loot goblin is disappointed with the MC for not abusing his portal power to completely empty that dungeon of all the gold and jewels. Like, what the hell.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
What I've seen so far is, as always when it comes to firearms in manga, pretty lackluster at best. Most of the time it reads a transcript off wikipedia. I get very... anal about firearms and it's very much a turn-off when authors do not do their due diligence. It's somewhat understandable coming from someone in Japan (which is why I have even less patience with Hollywood) but the fact remain that they just cannot bridge that small gap between aficionado and connoisseur. Second chapter and my guy is already teacupping his glock.
Besides, skills do NOT transfer well between airsoft and real firearms in terms of handling. None of the important drills can be done with airsoft, and all of that muscle-memory actually gets in the way.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 11, 2024
The longest range sniper kill was 3.5k meters away.
the average military sniper kill is 600-1000 meters away
An average gunman would kill an average magician easily don't compare the bottom of one to the top of another.
The fire suppression spell has to be casted on the area where the gunman is / on the gunman.

Assuming the fire suppression spell is the control flames spell from the DnD 5th edition it only has a range of 60 feet or 18.29 meters this can be doubled up to 120 feet or 36.58 meters but this is if you expend 1 sorcery point and already have points in metamagic ( according to DnD 5th edition)
Also a Magic fire arm can get around the control flames spell by just making the initial spark a magical spark therefore mitigating the control fire spell in its entirety because according to Xanathar's Guide to Everything for DnD 5th edition it can only effect nonmagical flames.

And for a normal firearm yes it is just nonmagical piercing damage but does the average enemy die to normal nonmagical dmg? yes. A goblin would be clapped by a gun a big ogre or ork can be put down by a gun. Even if the enemy isn't easily effected by non-magic piercing damage a gun would still be able to hinder the enemy far better than a non magical sword or bow because of the kinetic energy being imparted from the bullet to the enemy.

So yes a gun especially a magic gun would be a significate advantage to anyone in a fantasy world.

If you bring up stuff like magical dragons I'll bring up magical anti-armor. non magical dragons? Normal Anti-armor. The firearm tech tree is just too good.

Also if you're willing to accept a mythical dragon being defeated by a knight or a hero party consisting of bows and melee weapons why is it so hard to imagine a mythical dragon dying to a gun or a bigger gun?

Also if the person is protected by a magic shield the magic shield going to go away eventually because it depends on the casters mana pool (usually). Additionally just because someone is protected by magic it doesn't mean he is immortal the only real counter to it is either make the gun magical or wait for the protection to go away or to just shoot them enough times until they die if the magical protection is intertwined with its being then you're going to have to make magic gun/ammo.

Honestly if you adjust the gun to fit the setting in which it is placed it will stomp.
That's the longest confirmed sniper kill in history. There are others who have claimed longer but since there was no way to confirm it they are shrugged off as rumor or lies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Dropping this early. It's the same as pretty much every other manga out there that try the gun-cheat gimmick. From experience I can safely say people who transition from airsoft to real guns tend to have a harder time adjusting. Not only do they need to relearn everything, they have to get rid of a lot of bad habits. Limpwristing, shooting low/left, jerking the trigger, deep-fingering the trigger...
Airsoft is good for learning movement and tactics, not handling. Overall, this really suffers from wikipediosis too.

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