isekai spider 's discussion thread

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
so i made this thread so we can discuss about this anime .

this is 1 of the best anime-s of this season .

you can check out some samples of this anime from this youtube playlist :

i think the human parts are the most weakest parts of this anime , for example :

FYI , i only read the 2 manga adaptions , and dont read the light novels , so this is the 1st time that i see the human characters in this isekai spider story .

About the characters in this video clip : ( there are also English translations in this page )

- Elf Girl :
Previous Name / Ex-Name in the past life : Oka-zaki Kanami , a teacher . The students called her Oka-chan . Oka-chan is also a way to call your mother :
Current Name : Filimos Harrifenas / Hairy-fenas .

She is probably the only elf who attends this dinner party for humans , and will be probably the only elf who attends the human school . i bet she must feel like the only black girl in a school for white kids , lol .

- Red-hair Girl :
Ex-Name : Ooshima Kanata .
Current Name : Karnatia Seri Anabald , lol , @nal-bald .
Nick Name : Katia ????

She was a boy in her ex-life , then she was reborned as a girl , so she is a tr@nsgender ?

i wonder if right now , she likes boys or likes girls , lol .

And i think she has the biggest b00bs among the main girls , lol , the irony .

And she uses the pronoun "ore / おれ" when talking with other reincarnators :

- White-hair Girl :
Ex-Name : Hasebe Yuika .
Current Name : Yurin Ullen .
Nick Name : Yuri .

She can become The Saint in the future . i guess The Saint = The Pope / The Supreme Pontiff in our world .
i dont know how the politics work in this isekai , but it is hard to believe that an orphaned , 15-years-old girl can be a candidate for The Pope 's position .

- Green-hair Girl :
Ex-Name : she is not a reincarnator , so no Ex-Name .
Current Name : Suresia . i dont know why she has no family name .
Nick Name : Sue ????? it should be "Su" instead .

The princess of the Kingdom of Analeit , lol , @nal-eit . She has a strong brother-complex .

- The pet Earth Wyrm :
Ex-Name : Shinohara Mirei , a human girl in her ex-life .
Current Name : Feirune .

- The other 2 males already left bad impressions with me . I HATE THEM :

Male 1 :
Ex-Name : yamada shun-suke .
Current Name : schalain / shurein .
Nick Name : shun .
Voice Actor 's Name : shun horie , i guess he was chosen only because of his name .

A generic , typical , mediocre , average main character of a harem . He has a baby face , a wimpy , weak , bony , girly body .

The very 1st episode and he is already surrounded by the 5 "girls" above .

in the anime opening , there is a scene that he is crying like a b!tch about something , while the girls there dont cry .

Male 2 : a bully , a jerk , an a$$hole , a d!ck .

- in episode 1 , the reincarnators are talking like it is only a few days ago that they were still studying in the classroom , but they were actually reborned as babies in this isekai around 15 years ago , so this creates a big plot-hole :
let me ask you guys this , can anyone still care to remember the full names , the faces , the correct personalities of all 25 of your class-mates from 15 years ago ?
Feb 4, 2019
It depends on when their memories were restored, there is no guarantee they had them since birth.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
I think they refer to them as their previous lives' incarnations because other than Shun and Karnatia, the others have met fairly recently and thus their old selves were stronger in their minds than their current selves. Two of them have just entered the scene. Some of them replicating isekai cliches is also intentional.

The novels also tossed the other reincarnators' stories every x chapters to keep a sort of parallel timeline. The manga deciding to ignore those altogether to focus only on Kumoko is the manga's own twist.

Overall looks good. Sure, it trims a good chunk of juicy extra info to keep a certain pace, but that's how anime is. Manga also does it by not including the other reincarnators even though they will be pretty important later on.
The 3D models so far look good, but their animation gets choppy at times. That's kind of annoying. Kumoko herself is a bit hyperactive; sure, she talked with herself a lot and made jokes, but I think they may have overdone it slightly here.
Well, still one of the anime series I expect to watch immediately when available each week.
Oct 15, 2020
It's said that Oka-chan have 15 more reincarnator within her train so we got 20ish. That leave about 5 more including the baby vampire we meet in the last manga series.
Feb 4, 2019
I just wish someone would post the ED with English lyrics. Even CrunchyRoll was too lazy to add lyrics to the official version on their YouTube channel.

@YumGumYum Appreciate it!
Dec 5, 2019
well, song with subs here:
you can download subs+ed and combine them for yourself ?xd
Oct 3, 2020
Manga-only's might be a bit put off by the human parts, though they are important for the compare/contrast/foreshadowing with kumo-chan's perspective.

So far so good, I like that they just cut all the baby reincarnated stuff, it's fine in the LN/WN but really helps the anime's pacing by being cut out. we might get some baby/kid p.o.v. stuff later from vampy and

there were
people in the class(including Oka-chan) going by the anime: as of ep2 we know of the 6(I completely forgot fei first time round) at the academy, 11(said in ep1) under Oka's care and 'some still unaccounted for' of which 'Wakaba' is called by name, that leaves
others. if we add the manga we also get vampy.

all in all looking forward to this ride, I mean the original author was heavily involved in writing it so it can't be that bad right?........... a few jank 3d models aside.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
ep 2 's human parts are getting more worse :

- nothing actually happens .

- only the elf girl makes an appearance . where is other girls ? i need my dose of anime girls .

- the girly "main boy" shun keeps talking about how much he "loves" his older brother , the hero julius . then he tells about julius 's many achievements . please showing the achievements , instead of telling them :,_don%27t_tell

- julius has the typical , generic smug face of an isekai main character , i want to punch his face .

so far , i only like the 4 human girls . the pet dragon girl is so-so because she havent show anything yet . and i HATE the 3 human males .

i have a question for novel readers : in the opening , there is a sequence of an adventurer party who is killing some giant spiders , is this the party of hero julius ? there are another male who uses a big shield , a healer girl , and 2 ninja-s .
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
ep 2 's human parts are getting more worse
All of it will be important to future events, what makes Kumo Desu ga, Nani Ka? one of the best light novels I read is because there is no waste, there are no loose ends. Everything the author puts in the story gets used eventually so even though it may seem boring and eventless now, it will make sense in the future.

- only the elf girl makes an appearance . where is other girls ? i need my dose of anime girls .
Ugh, that'll take some time to happen, I feel your pain. But Katia and Sue will show up pretty regularly at least.

- the girly "main boy" shun keeps talking about how much he "loves" his older brother , the hero julius . then he tells about julius 's many achievements . please showing the achievements , instead of telling them :,_don%27t_tell
Julius has his own chapters dedicated to his adventures as the Hero. Don't worry, "show don't tell" is very present in this story

- julius has the typical , generic smug face of an isekai main character , i want to punch his face .
He is actually a pretty good character, he was written to be a good example of a hero.
Unlike Shun who was written to be generic character from the get go, as he'll represent the common LN protagonist. That said I actually like his character because of how he is written.

i have a question for novel readers : in the opening , there is a sequence of an adventurer party who is killing some giant spiders , is this the party of hero julius ? there are another male who uses a big shield , a healer girl , and 2 ninja-s .
That sequence does seem to be of Julius and his party, but the context here is a bit fuzzy, because there are 2 events in which Julius comes in contact with spiders, but one is not as violent and the other I cannot even comment upon because even the mere mention is already risking a heavy spoiler.
Oct 3, 2020
I super agree with all those points, Kumo desu ga is a great example of Chekhov's gun, in that every thing that it makes an effort to show the reader comes back in some way later. reading through on a 2nd or 3rd time so much stuff stood out to me as important details that I had missed the first time.

anyway just watched the 3rd ep and other than the earth dragon on the human side looking a bit jank it was fun. we are really going at a super fast pace, by the end of the season Shun's side will probably get to the village battle, as for Kumo I think she may even catch the manga, the next ep title suggests that we are about to get to the monkey defence battle so by mid-season the fire dragon Rend(that was his name right?) fight?

I've also noticed that this show has a surprising amount of blood, I'm not saying it's good or bad it just stood out to me as interesting.

also also I just thought of the fact that there should only be two or so incidents more at the academy before shit hits the fan, so the human side might get more bearable for those not used to it soon hopefully.
Apr 1, 2019
I think the main point behind Shun's character is to be a stereotypical isekai protagonist as a foil to the current hell that Kumo is going though. He is a goodie two shoes that doesn't even realize that
, and so he goes forward with his privileged ideals of what is right. The pay out is worth it when the side story ends
when he levels taboo up to 10
and he realizes how insignificant everything he has been doing is. Also the side story gets better when
his brother the hero dies

So him being an unbearable stereotype is actually good writing.

Saint is a special system title along with Hero and Demon Lord. Basically the cleric that follows the Hero around. The Pontiff is, well, MAJOR SPOILERS
The pontiff for the word of god religion is Dustin, you rise to the position of pontiff by being Dustin. Dustin has the ruler skill Temperance, which allows reincarnation with memories intact. He has been trying to protect humanity sense the system went into place.
Aug 23, 2020
Yes they remember! every reincarnated person in the whole series can recognise each of everyone as long as they can use Appraisal, except to those who have "naming" skill

Shun were able to recognize kyouya during elf war arc eventhough 15 years or so have passed, kyouya were able to get his same appearance because of evolution (goblin to oni)
along with with him was Sophia, shun didnt recognize her until he used Appraisal and then her name displayed in his screen

shun were able to recognize Shiraoshi as Wakaba Hiiro eventhough he cant Appraise her due to her being a God
he recognized her because of her features being the same as Wakaba

Shiraoshi cant recognize every reincarnated as her classmate(?) although she can read their names and one example is sophia.
the reincarnated she was able to recognize who were in that classroom was Oka, Natsume And Fei

1. oka the person who protected her from being killed by natsume in the classroom

2. natsume, he hate this person so much that even if wakaba dont graft her soul to shiraoshi, she would recognize him as her wicked enemy

3. Fei, shiraoshi were able to recognize this bully from wakaba's soul and memory

and lastly
Oka can recognize everyone even their face differs because of her Skill "Student List"

so i you are asking, yes they care especially oka, she brought her stupid concept of "the teacher is the 2nd parent in students classroom" to the new world thats why everyone hate her for being wick willed
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I'm watching the anime and it's probably because I've only read the manga where pretty much the only focus is Kumoko, but god damn I can't stand the human characters, aside from the purple dragon, crazy religion girl and the red haired girl, everyone else is a cookie cutter character. Child-like elf, brocon sister, arrogant prince and "average isekai mc".

Maybe my dislike of these characters is because I was expecting the manga's style of being with Kumoko 24/7, I dislike the most recent episode because Kumoko's scenes last very little and the rest is just human stuff.

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