@Liar If the author made a dying old man forget his life lessons the novel would be worthless. The format of constantly changing perpectives and the lack of aim thus far make doubt where this is going.
It's about MC helping others relationships? Then it could be more about the MC digging around and past arcs when he hears histories only. Instead, we get this neverending perpective shifts that are just a cheap way of trying to make viewers care about the object of MC help. Yeah, I said objects because sometimes, like in the training buddies arc if someone can even remember them, they seem like props for the MC to say his wisdom paragraph and make everyone's perpective change.
Maybe is the art or the idea behind, but I want this to have some direction so I can like it. At first it was the old MC in another world, learning the ropes and charming people around with his positive old man vibes. Lately the MC is more like a conflict solving spirit that drops in the right moment and just know what to say to end things in a positive note.