yeah, no, this is unbearable for me. There's too many points I want to ask but ill just stop here, either im getting too old for this sht or the characters in this are just miraculously more stupid than villains from pretty cure
I get that people are upset that he isn't killing them, but if he did that how would he get information on who is targeting him? That said, I bet he'll just give them to the police or something stupid like that anyway. Feel free to surprise me though, author.
My boi Touma sure is proud of this move.
Other than that, the story and characters are such a snoozefest. The bad guys are beyond stereotypical and MC is a certified retard.
Everyone complaining the mc didn't kill anyone, well maybe he's in Japan and not some kingdom that doesn't care if he kills someone, so even if he doesn't get arrested because he's a minor he would still be viewed as a murderer
Sure, not killing them is fine. But he doesn't even restrain them and then lock them into an interrogation cell. Just let those obviously evil people who are obviously trying to kill him spout obviously sinister and foreboding hints that obviously confuse him... and not do anything about it. It's like the character is running on the author's plot treadmill without any actual agency.