Isekai Tensei Soudouki - Ch. 59 - Before The Storm

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
One of the most important rules in a war: Target the enemies weaknesses. They already had spies in their midst. Those bitches don't know their place. The spouse of a high ranking commander is in danger, if the enemies know about them. If my wife would be the president of a country on hostile terms with another country and war is around the corner, I wouldn't be around to be captured. I'd be in a bunker. Even if I own a chain of convenient shops and a shoppingmall.
They surly are all "Oh he just wants to protect me, but I don't need protection. I'm a strong woman and more then capable to...withstand anything the enemy throws at me." Guess what. I slit the throat of you kouhai/sells-trainy/best friend/niece if you don't surrender yourself into my hand. Thank you very much. It's so nice that you have been around for me to blackmail you into submission. Now watch as I kill your hubby next or despair as he leaves you alone, while I torture you until he can't take it anymore.
If I had time magic, I'd put them into the freezer. Surly they want to break up afterwards, but that's that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@lionfromnorth: I believe the enemy's territory is behind a natural barrier, mountains or something, so it would be hard to hold for more than a few years, I believe.
Oct 2, 2018
The author is building up Balud's lack of experience. But he has access to experienced personas, especially the Samurai who has a lot of experience in war with medieval-level of technology. Why is this even being mentioned in the story?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@icekatze: Well, its quite common for Harem's to be bland in a lot of the plots of a series, because they can't always focus on all of them properly especially if they have different expertise, because they have to focus more on the MC (since the series is classified as Shounen).
But if this series is considered, then some members of MC's Harem would have important roles in the later arcs.

@Adalbertus123: Yeah, she is a Fiancée is as well.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
The panel where the 3 of them are looking down on MC, i feel their eyes are looking at me instead, and its like a reward for me..
I feel intimidated, but at the same time, like what Agatha's experience, pure bliss... hahahahahahaa
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
To be fair, the two battle that you mentioned is a gunpowder vs bow kind of a battle, and I don't see the MC inventing gunpowder if I remember correctly, and the one with superior manoeuvre only works on 2 to 1 or 3 to 1, not 10 to 1 like the Antrim

I do like this battle where where Caesar made a Wall outside a wall of a besieged enemy to fight against a two front battle, forget what it's called though.

Some of the Chinese battle are pretty insane too, like this siege where the siege goes undersupplied for so long and that the villager offer up their wife, elderly and their child to eat for the defending soldier, but the whole period can be a myth so I don't know lol
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
the waifus r a bit annoying here, they're like weak point for mc and doesn't think about the consequences about them being there, land laden with spies, in time of chaos it will be assassins.
i must try harder so i can protect everyone is the most shounen line i've ever heard, i guess that's balut's personality instead of the other two.


Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2019
So an old doctor, who has probably pass away at this point considering everything and a father who doesn't know the details of the personalities that we the readers and Balud do?

That's not enough information for his dad to be completely at ease with Balud's access to an appropriate level of strategic knowledge that this situation requires, not to mention his mother's panicking would indicate that she doesn't seem to have been told what was going on with him.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
@musicfreak12 hence the need to bring out advanced tech. Balud will really need to have a large tech gap to survive this one, and building trenches and trebuchets is probably not gonna cut it. They'll probably need guns, indeed.

Slight technicality: the Zulus at Rorke's Drift actually had a few guns with them, antiquated stuff. And they killed a couple Brits with them.

Superior maneuvering definitely works on much larger enemies, given the right conditions (e.g. the enemy has low morale/skills, your troops are super trained, or both, etc.). The example you're thinking of fits this. That's the Battle of Alesia (30k-50k vs 300k-500k), which is at least 1 vs 10. This battle heavily relied on the Roman's better troop quality, Caesar and the officers shuffling units around as they started to lose morale, and one decisive rear cavalry charge. The Gauls also seemed to have awful morale, breaking away too quickly despite having a lot of advantages and opportunities.

But then again, they mentioned lower troop quality, so this may be hard to take advantage of for Balud. I think Antrim's situation is even worse. If I read it correctly, he's got 1k vs 30k. Maybe some help from sympathetic nobles will bump those numbers up, but still awful numbers.

I dunno much about Chinese history, but from the few stuff I've read, they're indeed fuckin insane. The numbers and the brutality, etc. One battle that's meme'd a lot is the Battle of Suiyang, where 20k-30k civilians were eaten. Maybe this is what you're referring to.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@CBC @Bentenmaru @UzukiP: Actually along with Balud's father and that Old Doctor, even his Mother and Seilurn knows about them (one of the reason Balud's Mother trained him so harshly is because of his unstable condition with the 2 other Souls). But other than Seilurn (to a certain extent) no one else has exact knowledge what those 2 other soul's are.
Only Seilurn knows that many of the ideas Balud comes up with somehow originate from those 2 soul's inside him (she does understand some of their characteristics like the weird fetish that Balud showcases sometimes, but nothing else).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
Yeah it's going to be a gun, I really can't see any other way he's going to pull that off, except maybe shitloads of Vietnam style traps in the trench and the battlefield. But I don't like the idea of introducing a gun in a medieval isekai, it's done on too many Isekai and it will pretty much guarantee every battle after this (if any) to be a resounding victory, robbing all the tension (except of course if Balud is dumb and sell the tech to the neighbouring kingdom or his liege)

Oh it's Alesia huh? Yeah its great. The craziest part is that while Caesar troops and tech is of better quality, it's still a melee weapon, and a sword at that, not a long spear like the Spartans. It's crazy that they pull that off

Yep it's that one. For me, the cannibalism is not the crazy part. The crazy part is that, if you read the Wikipedia the villagers are not forced to kill themselves, but they WILLINGLY offer their own to eat. Then again, the record can be modified by the scholar that are coerced by the defending soldiers.
Active member
Mar 17, 2019
man those girls sure are annoying. they're just adding to balud's weakness and making him frustrated lmao i wish he'd be more like "wtf just obey me for once"

those girls think they're some big shot who can protect themselves from enemy attack huh

ty for the ch
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
@musicfreak12 sadly, it's possible that they'll go the gun route. At least, their trenches would be a bit useless without guns.

Alesia, and the whole conquest of Gaul, really boiled down to two things: superior Roman training and morale, and Caesar's and his officers competence. The Gauls tended to give up easily and surrender or betray their fellow Gauls. Some of them were even already allied with the Romans. This was in contrast to the Romans who were well organized, held their ground more, and their officers were talented. In some cases, these officers even knew when to take the initiative, e.g. Labienus and Mark Antony. The Roman tech advantage was there, but not huge. The Gauls even had superior cavalry for them to kinda compensate for this.

The Romans didn't strictly just use swords, but indeed they didn't use spears as main weapons because of the lack of need for it. Earlier, they fought opponents who were using swords instead of spears while they were following the Greek phalanx stuff, and found out the hard way that these guys were focused at flanking attacks that took advantage of their shorter swords. They would later adapt and develop their own maniple system, which allowed them to be more flexible and mobile to the old phalanx guys, crushing the Greeks and Macedonians a couple times (e.g. Pydna, Cynoscephalae).

Chinese military history before the Opium Wars is insane, indeed.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2018
gunpowder are introduced around 13th century, so bringing firearms in medieval fantasy is normal
probably something on arquebus level
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
True, is there a tales of betrayal during the surge siege though? If I remember, the gauls that are besieged is simply waiting for the reinforcement, the two pronged battle against the Caesar indeed happen, so those two Gauls is still cooperating right? Either that or the Gaul reinforcements is routing far too early

Maniple is this system where the recruits are in the fronts, the reguler are in the middle and the veteran are in the back right? I don't see how that helps the flexibility other than quicker reinforcement and more sturdy line I guess (because the recruit will not rout as easily with the veterans behind them)

@mopaki @yohane
I know, but this is a story, and I'm talking about it from the narrative perspective. Pulling a gun into isekai world is like that time when Naruto can transforms to the 9 tails at will, and the villain have to pull some crazy shit to match.

Here, they need to pull out some dumb plot about how they have a sacred swords that can pierce the heaven or how they managed to pull another Japanese person into their world and they invent a kalashnikov or something, to match the power level of Balud

Which will then be followed by Balud pulling some other insane stuff into the Isekai. And every battle will then be the "Who have the biggest dick" kind of a battle, not "Who can outwit and outsmart the others", and I personally don't like that

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