Islamophobic Translation Group

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Dec 24, 2019
I would like to request the removal of these guys from Mangadex. Rule 5.1.3
more info:
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Isnt it just a troll name? Would a public right wing group be translating "police service lolicon division"
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
As explained on reddit, their name is not a violation of any of the Mangadex rules.

Islam is not a race, so it is not rule 5.1.1.

Their name is a political statement, not a discriminatory statement against a religion. So it is not rule 5.1.3.

They are not including any extraneous pages to complain about, so it is not rule 3.2.7.

I get that the name refers to a political group that is apparently opposed to you, but they have the right to be opposed to you, and the user isn't breaking any rules by mentioning them.

Do notifications work for forum pings? @stop_islamization_of_eu
Active member
May 26, 2019
Doesn't islam call for the death of non-straight people and all unbelievers? It's literally a harmful ideology. who's the right-wing here bruv?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
while the group name might be safe, the comment above probably broke the rule
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
It's fine. I don't think it's a good idea to be cracking down on people for politics or ideology unless they do what Rapeman and Koolio did and insert it into their work and scanlations. If they can keep it out of their scans, just leave them be.

Naming yourself something political is pushing it, but I think that alone as a basis for a ban is a standard that's too elastic and too easily malleable/prone to abuse, so I'd advise against doing that.

Technically it didn't because you could make that argument objectively and point to passages in the Qu'ran that support that point of view. Remember criticizing an ideology or religion does not necessarily mean that you're criticizing everyone of that belief or are in favor of discriminating against people with those beliefs.
For instance, I have criticized the Chinese Communist Party on several manga that address how they treat Uighyr Muslims, but that does not mean I hate the Chinese peoples or that I am making any statement against individuals aside from those strictly involved in the propagation of harmful behavior. @hazzack
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
So the overall consensus is that the user is safe, at least for now.

I took a look at the reddit thread. I have a feeling that all of these posts here would be downvoted to oblivion and/or banned if we were on any typical subreddit.
Dec 24, 2019
honestly i feel you guys are taking your own rules to lax. in no way is that statement criticizing. it plain out DEMANDS it. the rules say that baiting of hate speech is also bannable. Whats next? Groups called: Nagas stole my bike, kite's need to be burned, Nip removal? Quite dissapointed by thr Mods...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
"Groups called: Nagas stole my bike"
When snake people are real, this can be hateful against them.

"kite's need to be burned"
Flying triangles are not people.

"Nip removal?"
Breast implant surgeon? No better than the Nazis! Amirite, guys? Guys?

"honestly i feel you guys are taking your own rules to lax"
And I feel you have too much time on your hands and are looking to create problems. Stop.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
I don't think the mods have actually chimed in. The green names are group leaders, I believe.

As for the group names you listed, there's a bit of a difference between mentioning a very long dead center-right political party (the equivalent would be say, "UKIP Translations" or "Brexit Books" or "Quaker Interns") and what you're trying to avoid saying. "Brexit Books" would probably upset a few people, but no matter how much bellyaching occurred, I don't see that getting removed, either.

Yes, if the group name was something like "Remove Kebab" or "No SandNagas" or what have you, it'd probably not be a discussion. But referencing a political party that's just against Totalitarian Sharia Law? I don't know of anyone not a radical Islamist -- which is NOT the same thing as "a Muslim" or even "an Arab" -- that's not opposed to Sharia law.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 17, 2018
My man who cares these are guys you'll never meet in your life, and will have no effect on you in your lifetime there's so much to enjoy in life stop wasting it on things that amount to nothing
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
We've previously ruled on this before. The guy's username is an opinion or a criticism of religion.

He isn't saying "kill_all_muslims", which would be against the rules.

Until someone can explain why his name is a slur against Muslims (the people, not the religion), we don't see any issues.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2019
Don't feel down, the rules are always open to change after all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
while the group name might be safe, the person above used to broke the rule so hard people got angry at him and got himself moderated and pulled out their scans
oh wait, not you
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I couldn't care less about group names as long as the releases are okay and not used for dubious agendas that haven't got anything to do with the original source. I have read a couple of series from this particular group and the scanlations are okay as far as I can remember. @p4inki11er if you want the group removed, I assume you would be ready then to pick up their series and continue translating them? Or would you just tell the fans of the series to piss off?
Apr 1, 2019
I don't really care for this kind of censorship, but the rules side with the argument in my opinion.

Until someone can explain why his name is a slur against Muslims (the people, not the religion)
The religion goes hand-in-hand with the people. Insulting the religion is insulting the people who practice the religion. Everybody gets perturbed when someone is speaking negatively of any of their core beliefs (not limited to religion, of course).

"Stop Islamisation of Europe" is saying that the spread of Islam needs to be stopped (in Europe). But it implies the belief is something that needs to be stopped. It's something heinous. I fully agree with the reasons for the SIOE movement, but of course the statement would offend Muslims.

That's why when you include fancy progressive rules like No "Racism", "Sexism", or "Religious Discrimination", wherein:
All members of all religions are equally deserving of respect. Insulting someone solely on the basis of their religion or slandering a specific religion is not acceptable on MangaDex. This extends to profile biographies, usernames, group banners, and user avatars.
Then it is really up to the affected party (the member of the religion, i.e, the person who practices Islam) to define what is and isn't a personal attack.

I don't want SIOE removed because I like freedom of speech and really dislike progressive censorship, but @p4inki11er is right, according to the current rules.
The examples he provides: "Nagas stole my bike", "Kite's need to be burned", "Nip removal" are also really good. Would those be unacceptable? Because what's being said is obvious, and they should be (if they existed), according to the progressive rules.

Ultimately you can enforce rules at your own leisure, which is good. The internet is better like that. But rules will lose their meaning if they aren't practiced.

Well, some might take it personally, which is up to their own interpretation.
Mm-hm. And a movement centered around that is still going strong after years. Such a dainty timeline we live in.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Tomorrow on HuffingtonPost and CNN's headline: Alt-right admins and members of illegal scanlation site defend bigoted anti-Muslim user and foster hate within their community.

@Afiaki The username simply says stop Islam in Europe. Nothing specifically bad or insulting about Islam itself. Yet. That's like saying "we need to stop obesity", which doesn't mean anything insulting to obese people. Well, some might take it personally, which is up to their own interpretation. I feel that this is still in a gray area. Would "Stop Americanization of Japan" mean anything bad? Maybe. Maybe not.

@KiTA This site would not survive without us scanlators and translators. We're the ones keeping this site alive. We are like shareholders and investors. We are the ones holding all the cards. The admins and mods are merely puppet figures. Slaves to our own will. Whatever it is that we wish to do, they shall follow and obey without question.

Source: I made that up.
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