Islamophobic Translation Group

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Jan 19, 2018
This is quickly becoming the same shit storm as this old thread. Why cant people just block them and move on with their lives Jesus.
Active member
Apr 2, 2019
I think @Zephyrus is on the right here.
Its if like I change my username to Womencantgotoschool or some shit like that. People gonna be triggered by that.
And this is a comunity, and the basic principle of a comunity is to respect others.
Changing his username its not gonna hurt anybody, and for all of you that say thats not freedoom of speech!!!, I dont care. He clearly doesnt respect other people with that username.

Finally, I dont give a crap how this ends, cause in reality I dont give a damm about troll usernames. Heck I find of most them funny, but yeah they are boundaries.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

Racism: With the exception of a serious historical discussion, there is never a context in which racist language is acceptable on MangaDex. This extends to profile biographies, user names, group banners, and user avatars.

Obviously Islam isn't a race, so 5.1.1 doesn't apply as it's not, by definition, a racist username. Were you perhaps thinking of "Arabic?"

Religious Discrimination: All members of all religions are equally deserving of respect. Insulting someone solely on the basis of their religion or slandering a specific religion is not acceptable on MangaDex. This extends to profile biographies, usernames, group banners, and user avatars.

Islam is a religion, but it is also a culture and a political movement. The SOIE group was clearly focused on the latter two, not the former, as you can see through their website. 5.1.3 doesn't apply, either.

Adding extra page(s) to chapters for the purpose of crediting scanlators or translation notes is generally OK. Extra pages which contain extraneous political content, agendas, propaganda, commentary, race-baiting or content that could be construed as offensive may be removed by staff. Extra pages are also subject to the same standards as listed out in section 5.1.

And there are no extra pages, so again, 3.2.7 doesn't apply, either.

Him making a dad joke about people asking about /ss/ ("straight shota") doesn't matter. Him putting it in German is beyond the "It was Hitler's secret police" version of the joke I've done before in the past, but if he's European and speaks multiple Languages it's perfectly understandable. But I do like how you did the long standing lefty Reddit maneuver of digging through his social media presence in order to try and find some evidence of wrongthink to justify the inquisition upon him.



Good point about the search results. Last time I dealt with an inquisition like this they had created dossiers on forumgoers that they suspect of having wrongthink.

Tell us, @spacecowgoesmoo -- how did you find that post of @stop_islamization_of_eu 's?
Jan 21, 2018
Dude, you can technically change your name into inthepastwomancouldntgotoschool since that's just a historical fact
Active member
Apr 2, 2019
Yeah, and if you ask me its a pretty funny username. Sorry Im like that.
But I wouldnt use it, because some people may find it offensive. And in a comunity, we should try to be nice to each other.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

Yeah, but there's a slippery slope that goes all the way down, isn't it? "Don't do anything that people might be offended over" worked fine when it was held to the reasonable person standard, but the left has decided to be offended professionally and performatively.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@KiTA Yeah, Rapeman bit can go into the dustbin. Rights? You have no say in what is a right or what isn't one as the rules of this state what that part and this discussion is about removal the name of that said group/user. It isn't a big deal so the request isn't a big one, a simple name change would have prevented this whole discussion and arguments that came with it.
It is a violation of the Be Civil rule and even ragebaiting to some extent, would you really want to talk in a group where a guy with a T-Shirt that says "Muslims are bad" and please do not feed me that "But only Shariah law" bullshit. We both know that those dudes do not care about what kind of islam you support.

In my opinion politics shouldn't even part of this manga reading site as long as there isn't a political manga.
May 5, 2018
"But I wouldnt use it, because some people may find it offensive."

Everything is offensive these days. I miss the old internet. 🙁
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@KiTA "Yeah, but there's a slippery slope that goes all the way down, isn't it? "Don't do anything that people might be offended over" worked fine when it was held to the reasonable person standard, but the left has decided to be offended professionally and performatively."
Left? Do you think this is just left or right because you keep talking about this left that you obviously do not like, did you even consider that muslims are the ones getting offended instead of the left?
Oct 10, 2018
As a muslim, I agree that some Islam rules are bad if it's implemented to national scale because they could clash with other religions. That said, while SIOE stated their goal as strictly political, their conducts are plain discrimination to anything about Islam. Protesting against a mosque construction is no way political, it's just simply discrimination. While I don't know how the TL group sees SIOE as, in my opinion SIOE is just discrimination using political shield.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

I have covered the rules of this site in a previous post. That user is not breaking any of the rules of the site. A generic "be civil" rule does not require users twist in the wind to avoid people who are intentionally finding offense.

I do agree that political discussions on fandom sites are pretty pants on head, but having gone through the whole GamerGate mess and seen how this goes over and over again, I also know that if you don't express dissent then dissent doesn't exist -- and consensus forms right afterwards.


I don't care what the Metro says, no amount of Post-Modernist madness by a far lefty activist-blogger will EVER get me to accept the expanded definition of "race" to include a religion. Simply put, Basit Mahmood is wrong, and if you're concurring with him, you're wrong too. Islam is not a race, and you can be plenty critical of Islam-the-religion. I will NEVER understand why the radical left plays the useful idiot card for Islam given their stances on LGBT and Women's rights. Anything to pwn the evil straight/white/male/capitalist/patriarchy, I guess?
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

Given that the radical left are the ones being offended and outraged as a form of social performative dance, yes, I believe it's the left. I also believe that they're being offended on other people's behalf, because they have a socioeconomic incentive to be offended, outraged, and crusade (cancel) against both. This isn't 2016. We all know what a SJW is. ("A troll using social causes as sword and shield to hide behind and attack others," if you're wondering.) We all know what cancel culture and outrage mobs are.

But more importantly, I don't care if it IS a Muslim that is offended. Offense is taken, not given, and no one has the right not to be offended.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
this whole thread is what happened when MD stopped being just an index uploading platform for scanlators and started trying to become muh central world community of scanlation lmao
From policing scanlation content to policing behavior to policing handle names... of the contributors of the site. Very funny I'd say. What next?
Mar 6, 2020
@Sabin the definition the author uses for racism can be used to describe prejudice towards any group: "This newer, more insidious form of racism – cultural racism is one that seeks to ‘other’ not on the basis of skin colour, but on the basis of how people look, their dress, their cultural tastes, the type of food they eat, their names and perceived ‘values’" By this twisted logic, making fun of gamers would be considered racism. Do you want to be labelled racist for joking at a gamer's expense?
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

I once saw an activist at a march being told by... Steven Crowder? that she needed to lose weight. She screamed that he was racist against fat people before attacking him.

It's post-modernist nonsense, which is the cause of a lot of this stuff. Like how the left redefined racism to mean "power + privilege" to expressly exclude any racist statements by certain groups. Until we do a purge of academia to get it out of the universities it's going to be bad for a while. The best thing people can do is push back against it, even when it's not important, like on silly forum threads.
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