Haha, he seems to be a fucking dickhead, but I'm not going to fall for that again, author!
This author is never going to write a true bad character. This is what, the third time around now? The first time was that tool shop girl, the second was Noah's sister Elise and now we have this guy here. I mean, that's good because this is a slice of life comedy feel-good manga, so obviously a character like that has no place here. However, I wish the author would stop yanking our chains all the time. He should realize the saying "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me thrice and I'm a proved retard". People aren't going to fall for it over and over again, like the story with the boy who cried wolf. At this point, it just feels unnecessary to add this fake drama into a peaceful story even if it does provide a little variation.