I really hate the mother. Sure she loves writing, but once the daughter was born, the child should have been priority number one, plus she apparently still loved her husband, but she hurt both of them for her stupid novels.
Then she realises that her absence continues to haunt and harm her daughter, whom she apparently still cares for, but for her own convenience decides to continue avoiding her.
I really,
REALLY, hope that the next chapter is the daughter giving a high five to the mothers face, because the mother honestly deserves no sympathy. We wouldn't have this sympathetic view of the parent if they left because of addiction, or if because they wanted to better their career, or for a new romance, but we're supposed to forgive her because she left to 'wallow in loneliness for inspiration"? It's really no better than any of those other reasons, and you could argue,
IS essentially all those reasons.
It'd be great if the daughter gave the mother exactly what she wants, loneliness, and is finally unburdened by the question of why the mother left - but lord knows she'll forgive the mother and ask her to come back, because that's the sappy ass direction this things always go.