I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - Ch. 24

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
@Uranomoon I'm sure you don't want me to actually answer will do anyway.
1. Those cuffs wouldn't stop them from being a danger as clearly shown with them attacking her first. In fact one picked up some sort plank or such and tried to strike her with it.
2. They are in holding not prison their sentences were about to be determined and they chose to insult the highest ranking person in the room with nothing more than their former ranks as knights under Fez and a person in a cloak they don't know name of or appearance of.
3. She cleanly took out each of them without being excessive despite their violent crimes and continued violent belligerence.
4. Modern times morality have no place in a medieval setting especially concerning war criminals like these former knights. These aren't helpless people these are people helpless against the Empress and Eusto. The people she people she dealt with were using the chaos and former authority unjustly given to the by Fez to basically subjugate the town people and make them do whatever they wanted.
Prison guards even today in modern times get attacks and sometimes killed by people in cuffs. To say that it's wrong to attack them just because they were in cuffs is to say you should just let them kill you. (because yes that's what they would very likely have done) Being in prison and/or in cuffs doesn't make you helpless. Hell even being weaker than the person you pick a fight with doesn't make you helpless.
I've more or less reached the bottom of the comment box so I'll assume I made my case well enough. Either that or I need to apologize personally to every writing teacher I've ever had. (probably do anyway because of the poor formatting I did)
May 3, 2020
how can people be alive in this province when its 100°C outside?
and 0°C isnt that cold ... yeah cold but not terrible cold
Well it didn't say Celsius, so it is probably some make-believe temperature scale, like Fahrenheit.
0 F = -17.77778 C
100 F = 37.77778 C

Which is not that terrible.
Aug 11, 2020
@Lioslin, thank you for answering. I dont appreciate your prejudice about my intention, but anyway.
They did NOT attacked her first. She said she’s gonna show em(not literally of course) and THEN he attacked.
I was talking about “modern times morality” because she IS a person from modern time!!! Would you too start fighting people just because this new place has “other values”?
Lastly, being mean to someone who is mean to you (not even violent) does not make you a better person. At minimum - you become the same.
Jan 11, 2019
"what i can say for sure is that he was wearing a cloak"

well shit man, guess i gotta spare you for that incredibly insightful piece of info seeing as no one in this world wears cloaks this piece of info will help us narrow down the candidates from every young male in the world to a whopping every young male in the world.
Aggregator gang
Feb 6, 2018
This was honestly a little stupid, I don't think anyone would be that fucking much of a smug asshole if there's literally sitting there handcuffed in prison. Especially in a country where the ruler is rumored to be a tyrant.

Dude was practically begging for an execution.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
@Uranomoon Even under the strange belief that words are violence they still "attacked" first.
I'll quote here "Do you know who is backing us up? Don't you think you should be treat us while I'm still being nice? You should do that if you still wanna hold onto your life. *two bit villain laugh* (I'll omit some more bland stuff) ... Still it's a waste to scar such a pretty face. So? You still don't want to strike a deal with me yet? That's right, as the boss I'll treat you well~". Only after all of that did she even break her silence beyond motion that he could be unrestrained by the guards non bladed weapons so she could accept his challenge to her authority. Which is after the two bit villain laugh. So only after he accepted a non verbal challenge did question him and I'll quote that exactly to here "I'm willing to personally fight you, so how long are you going to keep blabbering on instead?" At which point he attacked after some incensed words from him about how was gonna go easy on her til she spoke her first words of the whole encounter. She dodges and does a single strike to him. Then his friends all attack her and each received a single strike and done.
So how exactly did she attack first?
As to the she's a modern person reasoning she has taken the place of a war time hero ruler one who was being poisoned and three days off a revolution killing her for falling from grace. You don't let people run roughshod over you in a kingdom like or you get killed as she was again very close to having been faced with from the get.
These people were taken in for beating towns people, disorderly conduct in general, threatening businesses (in the middle of festival no less), and then attempting to assault an officer of the law ( by the own assumption). I don't understand where you've come to the conclusion she started it much less escalated it as they were belligerent from the moment she saw them to the moment she sentenced them to hard labor.
Aug 11, 2020
@Lioslin, yes they were verbally abusing her - so what? They were acting like a drowning person and then again - did NOT raise their fists first. It was she who decided to continue the discussion with fighting, and moreover uselessly. She wasnt even planning to get info out of them so she just came to beat them? And how exactly beating prisoners in private is showing her “war hero” title and giving her respect? From whom? Soon-to-be-prisoners? Or guards? And like i said - lowering yourself to those morons’ level of dealing with problems using fists doesn’t make you great
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Those stupid morons got off easy with being sent to forced manual labor. 🤣
They are so stupid they don't even work as witnesses. "A guy in a cloak paid me to do that". 🤣🤣
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
@Uranomoon I'm beginning to believe you just skimmed through this chapter and didn't read it at this point. Not only did she plan on get info out of them she did get info out of them the info while not extremely useful proved that someone at the very least was still plotting in her kingdom. Getting a name or solid description would've been good help but even just knowing for fact someone is still plotting is great info to have.
Again yes they did raise their fists first because her first move at the initial aggression which was the lunging punch by the overly talkative one. Was...a dodge with her hands were at her side this entire time until then at which she sunk him with a punch. They weren't acting like a drowning person they were acting like a person who was in charge of shit and continued to believe so until they heard them say it was the Empress.
You've also taken my reasoning on why she is acting like a proper Empress who is a war hero and chosen to apply to part of my explanation that it doesn't apply to. They didn't know who she was until they were knocked out by her after attacking her first. Hell the guards themselves didn't even bother saying anything until she release a small amount of her aura.
Also you call all that shit they said only verbal abuse but it was somehow her attacking first by saying one thing in response to their threats to not only guards but her own life. Don't pretend you don't know exactly what they were implying when they said it'd be a shame to scar such a pretty face and that they'd take good care of her.
I simply do not understand how you continue to act like these thugs who just the chapter before had been beating a woman and pulling her by hair are victims in this scenario. Are you gonna say the village girl deserved it too for talking back to them? Were her words an attack on them too?
Aug 15, 2020
I was so confused about the temperatures on Salus island... I can't believe I completely forgot about degree fahrenheit! 😅
Double-page supporter
Jun 15, 2018
I don't appreciate this Fahrenheit slander, sure every other part of the imperial unit deserves to be scrapped but I'd argue fahrenheit's the only one that makes a semblance of sense outside of a scientific setting.
Jun 3, 2020
Something you were ordered to do and enjoyed doing it seemed. Perfect fit for the job.
Group Leader
Jul 27, 2018
I'm baffled at the stupidity of these extra characters. They were so sure they'd get some power by following the man but not knowing anything about his identity other than wearing a cloak?
Yeah sure, this suspicious cloak-wearing young man told us to cause some riot so we will. Sounds about right.

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