Jaryuu Tensei - Ch. 47 - Evil Dragon vs Evil Dragon

Jan 26, 2018
I'm not gonna lie, I skipped most of the dialogues in the last 10 chapters.
It got boring and rushed, I'm glad it's over.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
On page 34 she has a hair clip. Doesn't appear in the chapter otherwise. Such mystery.

That mystery had more tension in it than the final battle. There were good parts of the manga, and probably would've felt better with more consistent updates, but I'm not going to complain about that. If I didn't like it I'd have dropped it ages ago. The battle in this chapter, on the other hand, was just two dragons blasting each other with an outcome that was 98% certain.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
By reading the comments I was relieved that I dropped this thing around ch.20. the art is shit (the artist specifically) the plot doesn't help either
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
i guess the axe finally fell on this one.
its been dragging for a few chapters already so i cant say I'm surprise.
Double-page supporter
Jul 2, 2018
Nope, this is "The End" end. Manga is over, go read the LNs, if they actually include more story.

Honestly the whole story quality dropped after the first arc, and this axe is well deserved.
Yeaaaah, kinda feel the same way. For better or worse it was one of these "betters" in terms of axe. At least we have some sortof-meaningful conclusion and the story wasn't pushed through like sometimes happens when cutoff comes and we clearly see that more than half chapter is definitely written on the spot without caring about what happened before just so the author could say "the end" as fast as possible. Instead after finished fight with something that looked and was regarded as "the final boss" we get "and the rest is for another story". Kinda sad but AT LEAST they didn't butcher it or force it for another dozen of chapters.
Jun 4, 2020
Nope, this is "The End" end. Manga is over, go read the LNs, if they actually include more story.

Honestly the whole story quality dropped after the first arc, and this axe is well deserved.
I agree, I was actually surprised it lasted this long.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 28, 2018
So, it finally go the axe huh? Too bad, the story had potential, but got rushed then got slowed, rushed again and then slowed as f*ck, I mean 47 chapters in 6 years?
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2019
This series has been dead in a ditch for quite a while now and the mangaka finally had the common decency to heap dirt on it and call it a wrap.
Double-page supporter
Jul 2, 2018
It is the legendary japanese people trait, they know how to start a story, they never know how to end it.
It's not <japanese people trait>, honestly it's more like <asian people trait>, because chinese or korean authors do the same BS all the time when title is not being axed fast enough.

We have good start, solid background history, engaging story and than it goes 20-50-100 chapters forward and main story just derails into a million tiny threads, each of which continues the initial story in the same exact way - doing something completely different which are not even marginally close to what has been happening so far. Some characters appear even though they don't really contribute anything to the story in the long run apart from being temporary villains or filler side characters, others disappear without a word of explanation, or the entire story goes so sideways that larger parts of the previously created narrative and characters disappear. And we have a dissonance what has just happened.

Let's put it bluntly - with very few exceptions, the Asians are capable of creating very good worlds and plots for LNs or mangas, but then they can't for the life of them take a proper direction afterwards. We end up with a really refreshing and absorbing beginning after which we are eager for more and have high hopes for the title. And then a dozen or so chapters pass, during which the story somehow builds up, the plot progresses.... and then we hit a brick wall, because the biggest problem comes out - the lack of forward planning for more than 5 chapters ahead. Suddenly plots and characters totally disconnected from everything appear out of nowhere, suddenly completely unmentioned locations appear, suddenly the whole story jumps from place to place and the typical search for where to hook the next "arc". And then it's predictable - the author stops having any ideas that would tie in with the title, because he never even planned to get to this point, and either slows down with the release of subsequent chapters to the point where the next one comes out in like 5 months, or the chapters are so pitifully fragmented that you'd have to collect 15 of them to match the first chapters, or both, or the title falls into hiatus.
Sometimes multiple times because don't forget- HxH is a thing and rumor has it that soon we'll see ANOTHER "reboot". After previous 2 which ended with hiatus and whole manga got called "hiatus x hiatus" because people had enough of this bullshit.
And when a title has reached such a stage, well axing it is pretty much the only way out of the situation, because it has to be finished SOMEHOW, and the ideas have long since run out.

Probably the best example of how much of a difference forward planning and the lack of it makes is to compare the likes of One Piece, where the manga has reached over 1,000 chapters, the story is as engaging at the beginning as it is at the end, and all the preseted events are closely incorporated into world building and we can easily connect 2 seemingly separate stories. Now let's switch to let's say Tales of Demonds and Gods. Currently we're at 428.5, because fuck you and normal counting so if we count that all chapters from ~80th are split into two it would mean that's around 770-780 normal ones. And as the time goes next chapters are being shorter and shorter with less and less content and more and more useless talking on panels without any sense whatsoever. And as much as I personally like the story deep down I know that one day it will be axed.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2019
It's not <japanese people trait>, honestly it's more like <asian people trait>, because chinese or korean authors do the same BS all the time when title is not being axed fast enough.

We have good start, solid background history, engaging story and than it goes 20-50-100 chapters forward and main story just derails into a million tiny threads, each of which continues the initial story in the same exact way - doing something completely different which are not even marginally close to what has been happening so far. Some characters appear even though they don't really contribute anything to the story in the long run apart from being temporary villains or filler side characters, others disappear without a word of explanation, or the entire story goes so sideways that larger parts of the previously created narrative and characters disappear. And we have a dissonance what has just happened.

Frankly I don't think it's a trait of a specific people (and calling it that is fucked up), but I do think it's a symptom of a lot of the source material being adapted from web novels. That's not to say that there's an issue with publishing your work independently, but when you need to constantly put out more and more content it gets really easy to start spinning your wheels and/or losing your focus.

So yes, they start out strong because they had a great idea they wanted to get down, then it gets popular and they have to keep churning out chapters to keep the readers coming back.

If you want a similar example from an American author, look at the Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum wrote a novel, it got popular, he wrote a sequel, and then he had to keep churning them out because no one wanted to read anything else he wrote. Hell in at least one book he actually tries to end things, but then he comes right back with another book because he needed the money. Famous author, 14 published books, absolutely riddled with inconsistencies, characters that show up once and are never heard from again, side plots that have no real impact on the world, etc.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
The story really lack direction and had large gaps of nothing. Wasted my time

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