@JavelinJoe Precisely. He already gave his whole fucking life for the people before and all he got in return was being sent back
to the people in a body bag to Japan into corporate slavery where he was literally worked to death. He has no reason to take any jobs for free and he has no need for money either. That girl's body was the only thing she could offer at all that could be used in the negotiation.
And no, the "deal under duress" is not an argument enough since these adventurers actually actively went to fight the goblins (obviously) so they took the risk themselves. There is absolutely no one who would bail them out for free, just like there's no one to bail out for free a gambler or a failed investment. It's just that these people risk their lives as well due to the nature of their jobs, like with any mercenaries. And such risk has to be paid for accordingly (Hello, Geralt).
Oh, and since we're talking about risk, our protagonist isn't completely free of it either. The only reason such risk is pretty low for him is that he's so damn good on his job he literally killed a Demon Lord. And there's no reason whatsoever to decrease the price on the services of a professional who has lowered his rate of failure just because he's good at his job.